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SHE let her eyes linger on Mitchs form before she slid past him out of the bed

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SHE let her eyes linger on Mitchs form before she slid past him out of the bed. Carefully creeping across the floor in hopes of not waking him, she found herself in the kitchen looking around, she wondered if he drank coffee or if that had just been on the mission, unsure and not wanting to pry, she moved towards the bed grabbing her bag from beside the frame.

The boy- still resting his head on his forearms- cracked his eyes open, he stared at her blinking a few more times to try and clear the irritation he was experiencing, "what are you doing?" she didn't reply as she pulled her laptop out from the contents of the bag, he sat up rubbing his face with his left hand before glancing at his watch.

She cast him a silent look plopping down on the bed with her device, he sat up stretching his arms over his head watching as the girl opened her laptop and began to type away across the keys. His curiosity getting the best of him, he climbed into the bed managing to sit beside her without any glares thrown in his direction.

Staring at what he was seeing pop up on the screen, he realized she was searching for Colleges, more specifically; Universities.

He raised an eyebrow in her direction almost as if he was questioning her, "college? After the shitstorm we just experienced?" she shrugged her shoulders, "It'll give me something to do, I never really got the opportunity to go." she replied continuing to look through the long list of colleges.

He relaxed placing his arms behind him so he could lean back on them, "how are you going to go to a University with no money?" he questioned, she turned her head in his direction glaring for a brief moment, "I'll get a job, it's not like I'm dumb or something." she mumbled, he rolled his eyes watching from over her shoulder as she clicked on the link to a University website.

His eyes widened at the sight of the logo on the screen, he sat up resting his hands on his legs as he watched her scroll through the site, noticing his sudden silence, she glanced over her shoulder- where Mitch had decided he was going to watch from- "what?" she asked refusing to take her eyes away from him as she awaited an answer, he shook his head glancing down at the bed before looking up and scratching his head.

"I used to go to Syracuse."

Margo furrowed her eyebrows glancing from the laptop screen to the ember eyed boy beside her, "you? Syracuse? Mitch, that's for smart people." she cracked a grin before realizing he wasn't going to smile back, "I was studying International Business, my minor was French." he paused meeting her gaze, "I was there on a lacrosse scholarship." the girl's lips parted staring at him in utter shock.

"Mitch Rapp, are you trying to tell me that you, of all people, played lacrosse while studying International Business?" he feigned an obviously fake smile before letting it fall to a frown, "yeah, and believe it or not I was pretty good at it." she rolled her eyes at the statement somewhat amused with the bickering they were sharing.

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