||Who Is She?||

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It's been a year. A year without Laurel Lance. Things are different,Oliver's formed a whole new arrow team meaning someone else took on the role of the black canary.

Dinah Drake,Curtis and Rene were all apart of team arrow. Dinah was black canary.Rene was wild dog and Curtis was the man guy they called fantastic.

Felicity was gone she had left Oliver after he lied about having a son. And Diggle was joined back into the army. And Quentin..well things were hard on him.

He became a alcoholic. His daughters death hit him hard and he was constantly going to the bottle to ease the pain. Sara was still gone and Thea was still out of town so Quentin felt lost,alone.

Laurel used to always help him when he went to the bottle. She always picked him up from the bar before he would do something he'd regret. She once told him "you have a whole life don't waste it".

But after a hard night of being the mayor and green arrow Oliver came down to the bunker and saw something unexplainable.

It was.... Laurel Lance?

"Hi,Ollie" it was the same sound the same sweet voice his Laurel had.

He gently put his arms around her one on her long,smooth blonde hair and the other on her waist.

Laurel had the same smile,eyes,hair and light he could see inside her.

"I've missed you so much" Oliver said smiling.
"Not as much as I've missed you" Laurel said touching his cheek.
"How much did I miss?" She asked
"A lot" he said smiling back. "This place hasn't changed a bit! since I left and you even kept my black canary suit up" Laurel said looking at her canary suit.

"We weren't going to forget about the first canary"
"Ah you mean second" she corrected him.
"Yes our second amazing canary" Oliver said looking at her.

Laurel was so happy to be home Oliver was talking with her about how he joined a brand new arrow team. Laurel was so happy because Ollie had kept his promise about her not being the last canary.

"Thank you Ollie" she said with her hand on his shoulder. "For what?" He asked "for not letting me be the last canary".

"Since your back does that mean you'll join team arrow?" He asked "umm I don't know" she said. "I have to think about the consequences of going out there I don't want the same thing to happen again"
Laurel said. "That's okay I understand must have been traumatic for you".

A little bit later Rene and Dinah came down into the bunker.
"Hey Oliver you down here?" Rene shouted as he saw Him down over by the suits. "Who is that?" Dinah asked while handing Oliver a burger.
"Oh my god is that Big Belly Burger i haven't had one since like....forever" Laurel asked hoping it was.

"Ya it it but who are you?" Dinah asked again "this is Laurel" Oliver interrupted "wait? You mean Dinah Laurel Lance district attorney I thought she was killed by Damien Darhk?"

"She was but I guess her sister Sara was able to fix the timeline and bring her back" Dinah felt like something was off but let it go. She handed Laurel a burger and some fries.

"Thanks" Laurel said to Dinah smiling. "Oliver can I talk to you in private" Dinah said to Oliver. "Sure".

"Don't you think something's off? Sara said she wasn't going to try to bring her back because it would change the timeline" Dinah said "she couldn't risk it so do you even think that's Laurel?" She asked. "Who else could it be?"
"A doppelgänger, a clone, a look alike?" She could be anything but Ollie that's not your Laurel"

The next moment they all hear a loud canary cry Laurels cry. "You guys are so pathetic and so gullible you easily thought I was your Laurel" she said as she tried to scream again but she couldn't. Curtis had the sonic device he created to stop a canary from screaming. He placed it around her neck.

"What in the hell?" Laurel was confused as she opened her mouth and try'd to scream again. "Don't even try" Curtis said "hey let go of me!" Laurel yelled at Oliver "I suggest you think about who your picking a fight with" Oliver told her. He took Laurel and handcuffed her so she couldn't try to escape him and placed her inside a cell.

"So I'm trading a cell in Central City for one in Star City?" Laurel said sitting on the floor of the small metal cell. "Central City?" He questioned. "Yes let me guess his name is Barry Allen? and let me tell you he tried to put me in a cage to but I easily escaped your wasting your time" she finished

"When did you get here?" He asked "Diaz" she answered back. Oliver was shocked "what does he have to do with this? and how do you even know about him?" he asked "because he said if I wanted to live I would have to work with him".

"I had a Ollie on my earth at least I used to but you've been dead for 10 years" Laurel said "on my earth my Ollie never treated me like this he was the live of my life" Oliver just smiled. "My dads dead,my sisters dead and your dead I've lost everyone". She said putting her face in her knees.

"What about Tommy?" He asked "oh god no he's such a priss I absolutely dislike him". Oliver got up and went to grab a white box it had tools in it torture tools. Swords,knives,guns and brass knuckles?.

"Okay if you want to kill me go right ahead" Laurel said without hesitation. "No I want you to talk tell me why you turned to the dark side" Oliver said.
"Or what?" She questioned. Oliver picked up one of the knives and pushed it against her skin causing her to bleed a little.

"Fine it all started when..."

|Laurel Lance: Star City's True Hero|Where stories live. Discover now