||My Name is Alessandra||

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I won't be remembered. That's not the worst of it. I want to be missed.

Marrying Jacks was the last shot to make my parents still care for me by thinking I gave them honour.

If I die like this, they'll see me as a coward to the family. As someone who committed suicide to escape what her parents wanted.

"If that's what your parents think of you, maybe they should be the least of your priorities." Maybe I should've listened to Jacks, but it's too late now.

"Enjoy yourselves," The Undead Queen purred to her handmaidens.

They were enjoying this. Planning to draw out the torture until I painfully and finally died.

I tried to force myself to stop shaking. But maybe it didn't matter. I wasn't the most strong-willed when it came to pain. I would be made a mockery eventually.

Are my siblings going to miss me? Will they at least remember me?

Where could Jacks be now? I need him. Even if he truly didn't care, I need his help.

"Where should we start your majesty?" One of the Handmaidens asked.

"Maybe start by crippling her."

I forced myself to choke back a sob.

I'd prefer not to describe what I went through with the torment. The actual torture they forced upon me, as every part of me was ripped and cut apart. I don't want to be remembered for that. Not the poor girl who helplessly died in complete and utter agony. The girl who was targeted all because she was Jacks fiancé.
They tainted me with that fact, that my engagement was a part of the reason.

I especially don't want to be remembered as the mess of what was left of my body. How Jacks ran over when the news got to him to cover it up so it wouldn't reach Elantine.

And even though it wasn't what I wanted, he planted the idea that it was my father who murdered me. It wouldn't be that surprising from my history. I know a housemaid has at least a couple times overheard his threats if I ruined the family.

Jacks probably took pleasure in it. I didn't expect him to do it, probably thought he'd be the one to play it off as a suicide.

And after my father's private execution, it still shamed my family for dishonouring and embarrassing them by making our family out to be a household of despair and horror. But at least my siblings would grow up without that monster I called a father.

I just hope someone would remember I liked to bake.

I loved to dance to soft, lullaby music and listen to the flute.

That no, Jacks wasn't the kindest being, but he never hurt me. And yes it's the bare minimum, but he wasn't cruel to me like the gossip would've said. And though he didn't love me even though I was his fiancé, I still hope for a better future for him.

I hope my brother can live out his dream to be an artist. He did love to paint. The colour green was his favourite.

I just wish I didn't have to be a rumour and gossip to the kingdom.

I hope the best for Elantine, she was so kind to me. She was the first mother figure I ever actually had.

If this didn't have to be my life, I would've liked to be a teacher. That was always the career I wanted to pursue.

I could tell you all sorts of stories, but I was usually the little nurse of any friend. The one that would take care of them after watching their troublesome acts. So I don't have many spectacular stories to tell of my own.

But I'm sure my memories of my life won't stick with you.

So all I ask is to not remember me as the girl who was Jacks fiancé or the girl who was lonely, tortured and died tragically.

Please just remember me as Alessandra, the girl who loved and wanted to live.

Posted: 21/August/2020

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A little short story about Alessandra, the mysterious deceased fiancé of Jacks we never got more information on.

I think I would be interested to write more about her.

👑 I'm just so happy you're reading my story, thank you.

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