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Word got out first that the Prince was missing. The people, who's nerves were only just soothed after the attack on their beloved Prince, were now frayed to the point of breaking. Great fear swept the land at the terrible omen and King Naruto had to think of something fast.

"What am I going to do with that boy?" Naruto wondered aloud as he paced the royal chamber. Boruto had disappeared the previous day without leaving so much as a note, giving both he and Hinata a heart attack. A quick search of his room showed that he had packed before he took off so they were relieved to be able to rule out kidnapping. Whatever the reason, his flight was deliberate. There had been no news since they were informed that Boruto was missing. Naruto both longed for news and was terrified of what the news might be. The conflicting emotions were exhausting to say the least. That fool boy! Did he have any idea what this was doing to his mother?

"We have to bring him back." Hinata said to the window. Her statement startled him. He had almost forgotten she was there. He paused his agitated pacing to look again at his Queen. As he watched her, he wondered how he could do something so foolish. She was sitting at the window, staring out it at nothing with a look of deep worry etched into her usually perfect face. Even in her current state of worry, she was breathtaking. Her peach skin glowed in the late afternoon light, perfectly complimented by her deep indigo gown, the same dress he'd had made for her for their last anniversary.

It was simple but elegant. The shining material was gathered into a high empire waist and the neckline plunged to meet the waist. The material covering each of her breasts was wide and accented at the collar bone by simple rectangular silver ornaments. The material itself was sleek and shimmered like the ocean at sunset or like the sky at night. It was the perfect compliment to her opaque violet eyes and her deep purple hair. She wore it down this afternoon and it flowed freely down her back to her natural waist, held back only by her long, almost sweeping elven ears. Her face was still youthful and glowed in the sunlight despite the worry that creased her brow and lined her mouth. Though no longer the young maiden he had married, she had aged beautifully like the finest of wines.

It broke his heart to see her like this. He felt another surge of anger towards their foolhardy son for doing this to her. 'Just what the HELL was Boruto thinking?!' he wondered for what had to be the thousandth time as anger and worry warred in his chest. They had immediately sent a message to Sasuke, asking him to put his mission on hold temporarily and track down the wayward Prince but as of yet, they had heard nothing back. It may not be possible to reach him for the time being. The Dark Mage used space/time magic often and when he did, it was not possible to contact him until he returned. There was no telling when they would be able to speak to him again and by then, it could be too late. Either because of the curse or the foolish boy biting off more than he can handle.

Naruto had always gone far to shield his children from the ugliness of the outside world. He had always believed it best for them but for the first time, he was regretting it. Perhaps if he hadn't worked so hard to shelter him, Boruto would be better equipped for the challenges he was facing now. Or maybe, he never would have gotten himself cursed in the first place. The boy was very trusting, often too much for his own good. Naruto had always believed that trait was a virtue but now, with his son cursed and far beyond the safety of the capitol and its walls, he wasn't so sure anymore. He was almost certain that it was going to get him killed, if it hadn't already. He thought the last part with a chill. There was no helping it. They had to drag Boruto back home. Better to have him back healthy and whole and face his teenage wrath than sit and wait for his body to be returned to them.

But what was the best way to go about retrieving his misguided son? There was always the Royal Guard but that had the potential to make things very messy. Plus, Boruto was no fool. He would certainly see them coming and do his best to slip away. He was stubborn and the more they chased him, the further he would run. If they could only reach Lord Sasuke, the matter would be over in a matter of minutes but, of course, life couldn't be that simple. However, maybe he was on the right path. If he couldn't send an army to collect Boruto, perhaps a single hunter was the way to go. The biggest problem there was his son was bull-headed and could be a formidable opponent when he chose to be. It would be much easier if it was someone he would listen to, but no one was coming to mind other than Sasuke again.

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