Battle for the Key

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The sounds of battle were carried far in the silent air. Boruto sprinted through the granite stones towards the source with Sarada immediately behind. The ground was trembling from the intensity of the conflict and Boruto could hear crashing and see flashes of magic just ahead.

Boruto knew Mitsuki was fighting the key guardian. He pushed himself to go faster, Mitsuki needed his help. He entered a clearing at a dead run. The sight that met his eyes made him skid to a halt so suddenly Sarada almost plowed into him but he almost didn't notice. He stared around him, trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

Two creatures were locked in combat before him. The giant boulders littering the clearing looked like they had been blown apart by the deadly struggle. One of the combatants looked to be little more than a wild beast. It was huge and hunched with scraggly black hair on its head and down its back. The skin that was not covered in course black hair was greenish in color. Its immense, rippling muscles made it resemble a bear in shape alone. Its face was squashed and its red eyes were wide and staring and it bore its yellow and blood-stained teeth in what appeared to be a twisted smile.

The beast was disgusting to look at but Boruto had hardly glanced at it before his attention was drawn to the other creature in the fight. It was smaller than the grotesque beast and it was whiter than snow. It had a long snake tail that lashed and coiled as it fought. The tail joined smoothly with what looked like a human body at the hips. Snake scales continued up the back and sides of the human part then flowed over the shoulders and down to the elbows. Its fingers were tipped with eight inch claws that were shaped like needles and were stained with the beast's blood.

Its male chest was clear of scales as were his belly and neck. His youthful face was framed with glittering scales on the sides of his cheeks, temples and forehead. Long, fine snake fangs hung over his lips and stretched just past his jaw. His eyes were glowing bright red as he hissed his fury at his opponent. A bright green aura surrounded the naga-like man and ethereal snakes swirled around his body and aided his vicious attacks against the beast. Pure white hair crowned his head and swayed within the aura as if it were caught in a great wind.

He was graceful, terrifying, and beautiful. Despite the intense battle, Boruto stepped forward as recognition hit him.

"Mitsuki...?" Boruto breathed the name as he instinctively reached for the snake creature. Despite the battle and his quiet voice, Mitsuki seemed to hear him. His glowing eyes changed from red to gold as his head whipped in Boruto's direction. Mitsuki's acid green aura faltered as he looked at Boruto. His face went through a wide range of emotions in an instant: Shock, disbelief, awe, pain, relief... He didn't seem to know which to settle on.

"Boruto." He said the beloved name like a prayer. Their moment was cut short by deep cackling laughter. Boruto was horrified as he stared at the beast, taking in the fact that the awful laughter was coming from it.

"That's it! He sees you now, Mitsuki! He sees the monster you really are! And it will be the last thing he ever sees." Boruto's eyes locked with the guardian's. The red bloodshot orbs were hypnotic and he found he could not look away. In fact, he couldn't move a muscle. The key guardian's mad smile widened until every one of its yellow teeth were visible. It was attacking. Boruto had to move but his body remained stubbornly still. He could only watch as the guardian drew closer.

It happened in an instant and a flurry of light. The guardian's blow was about to land. Boruto screwed up his face and braced as best he could for the impact. Something pure white streaked in from the right. There was a sickening crunching sound and the light disappeared. Hot blood splattered Boruto's face as he stared in wide-eyed horror. He didn't know how or why but he could move again. Automatically, he raised his arms and caught Mitsuki as he fell to the ground.

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