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One week earlier...

Mitsuki was worried. Their rue supply was gone, they still had further to go and Boruto was starting to show signs that the poison was taking effect. Mitsuki walked behind him, watching as he grew weaker with each step. It confused him that Sarada was still doing well while Boruto was visibly wilting. However, the determination in his blue eyes was still present and it gave Mitsuki hope. He felt a surge of relief when the edge of the Wastes finally came into sight. They were going to make it.

Then, without warning, Boruto collapsed face down into the shallow water and didn't move.

"Boruto!" Mitsuki cried as he rushed forward and gathered him into his arms. Boruto gasped for air but otherwise didn't respond. His eyes were rolling in his head and his skin was rapidly getting paler. Cold panic pulsed through Mitsuki's veins as he held his weakening Sun. Mitsuki ran with all he had, pushing himself until he felt like he would collapse as well. Finally, they reached the plants that marked the edge of the Wastes and symbolized salvation. At last, Boruto would be safe. Sarada, who had crossed just behind him, was gasping and coughing raggedly but she was recovering quickly.

Mitsuki laid Boruto in a lush patch of grass and waited. The minutes passed but Boruto wasn't recovering. His eyelids fluttered and he was sweating profusely. He twitched and thrashed as if he was in pain and his lips released pitiful moans that tore at Mitsuki's soul. Horror stole away his breath as he realized that somehow, the poison has taken hold. But, this wasn't right. How could Sarada be okay but Boruto not? He had given Boruto more rue than Sarada. His treatments were wearing off faster than hers, so he had no choice but to give him the larger portion of what had remained.

He should be okay, but instead he was watching Boruto die. He looked up at Sarada, who was standing across from him and looking worriedly at Boruto. He felt a stab of anger as he looked at her. How dare she stand there in good health when his Sun was suffering. He should have given her less. Maybe then Boruto wouldn't be like this. A pained moan from his Sun brought him out of his bitter thoughts.

Now was not the time for hate or regrets. He had to find more rue. It was the only way to save Boruto.

"Mitsuki? Is Boruto going to be okay?" Sarada asked. Mitsuki decided not to dignify her stupid question with an answer. Right now, saving Boruto was more important than humoring his friend. He glanced around wildly to get an idea of his new surroundings. It was grassy with intermittent trees, but the grass was deep green in color suggesting that the land was lush. There should be some here.

"Mitsuki...?" Sarada's voice interrupted his thoughts for a second time. He looked at her and she recoiled as if he had struck her. As irritated as he was with her, she might have a use.

"Watch him. Do not let any harm come to him." He told her firmly. She remained silent and nodded. Mitsuki ran his fingers through Boruto's damp hair and smoothed his thumb over his Sun's cheek, indulging himself before he left to find more rue. He had to be fast. Basilisk venom was potent and persistent, even in the strongest creatures.

Mitsuki searched in earnest and cursed himself as he went. He cursed himself for not picking more rue, for allowing Sarada to come and for becoming careless and allowing himself to be bitten. If any one of those things had not happened, Boruto would not be suffering right now from his people's poison. The thought of his Sun's fragile state terrified him and his dread was threatening to overwhelm his mind. Only his determination to save Boruto kept his mind clear enough to continue his search.

At last, he found it; a large patch of dark green with the tell-tale yellow flowers. He ripped all the plants from the earth then raced back to his Sun, silently praying he wasn't too late. When he returned, he found Sarada and Boruto almost exactly as he had left them. Sarada was still on her knees beside Boruto, watching him with glassy eyes behind her glasses. Boruto was laying in the grass, except now he wasn't tossing and moaning. He was limp and gasping shallowly as sweat poured down his brow. There was no time left.

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