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The winter arrived soon enough, making our town white and sparkly with snow instead of the consistant rain, lights in every tree and on every house, santa's showed up on every public space you went to and everybody dressed in warm cozy clothes.

Winterbreak was well needed, for all of us. Wienna finally let loose of herself for real at Andrea's party the weekend before and got drunker than the rest of us for a change. You could blame Louis and I for that.

I had taken the first week off too relax, hang around with the family and go shopping on the endless amount of sales with the girls, catching up on late homework and sleeping late. It was nice.

Today was Louis' birthday, and tomorrow was christmas. We wouldn't do anything too crazy tonight because tomorrow the Samuels', Horans and Tomlinsons gathered to celebrate the holiday, this time at Louis' house.

It was a nice tradition the families started with ten years ago, filling up one of our houses with Louis' family of nine (he has six sisters!!!), mine of five and Niall's of four. How we managed to make room for eighteen people in one diningroom was something I asked myself every year, since none of us owned a mansion.

Wienna would spend christmas at her grandmothers this year, missing the whole weekend sadly enough.

"Good evening, lads!" Louis entered Niall's basement where we hung out this evening, basically waiting for Lou to turn up after his birthday gathering at home.

"Happy birthday, you idiot!" Niall exclaimed and stood up to hug the boy, Erin followed his action and told Louis happy birthday.

Louis then sat down next to Liam and Zayn, thanking them for congrats and hugging them as well.

"Happy birthday, Lou! We got you something," I turned to my bag and with a grin I handed him the box I'd decorated nicely with christmas wrapper and red strings. We didn't really get each other fancy presents, it was mostly for the sake of giving something.

Louis looked surprised as he started unopening the box, "It's quite heavy, if I don't like it could throw it at you," he said with a straight face.

"Please don't."

He threw his head back in defeat when he saw what was inside. Niall, Wienna and I put two smirnoff ice's in a shoebox along with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in the shape of a dick. That's how mature we were.

"You've been slacking lately, Tommo, better up your game now." Niall told him with a laugh, since Louis' hadn't iced any of us over the last month while we constantly got him. I didn't think he minded though, he loved them.

Louis grinned at the lighter and used it to open the first bottle, and began to chug it.

He let out a burp as he finished, "If there's more gifts for me I won't show up tomorrow."

"Isn't it at your house?" Erin asked with a frown, I sure hope she wasn't joining us. That would ruin christmas. Traditions were traditions, not to be renewed.

Louis sighed, "It is?" He looked surprised as he opened the second bottle.

He never knew which house we were at. It was pretty simple, rotating between the three families every year, it wasn't that hard to remember.

"What are you guys doing for christmas?" I asked the people not in our circle, still curious whether Erin was coming or not.

"We're going to Harry's," Zayn pointed to him and Liam, I smiled, maybe they had the same traditions our group had, I was comforted by the thought of Harry being with his close friends and family, actually. I wondered where he was tonight...

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