Dominic's First Mission (Pt. 1)

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Dominic's POV (about five minutes past the end of last chapter)

The steady wind wash from the helicopter blades brings back old memories as I walk to the transport hold. Nomad still isn't here due to the fact that he doesn't wear most of his combat kit in his day to day life, but Craig and some cantankerous Brit I've never met are. I walk up to the pair and listen in as they talk amongst themselves. It doesn't take long before the two of them notice me and Craig starts asking questions.

"Hey man, didn't I tell you to get your kit?" he says as patiently as he can currently manage. I hold up my extra large duffel bag, hoping he gets it. 

"Are you kidding me? You didn't even take the time to put it on?" the Brit says loudly, apparently displeased with my antics. Instead of arguing with him, I just put my bag down and unzip it to start kitting up. Craig looks at the Brit like he must be nuts, but he just gets ignored while I reach in to grab my drone. I quickly attach it and its case to their mount on the back of my left shoulder. Both men look surprised by this, and even more so when I pull out a 5.11 light combat SAPI plate carrier. They watch with interest as I put it on and are surprised when I strap it up  under my duster. By this point, Nomad has come out in his full combat kit and looks perturbed by the scene in front of him. He walks over to us and immediately asks,

"Hey Nicky, why are you kitting up in front of everyone? There's a chopper right there dude". I just stare intently at the Brit. Nomad seems to get the message and starts talking, "Really Mike? Are you worried or curious". This seems to get the newly named "Mike" riled up because he looks like he's about to start shouting before Craig interrupts.

"Alright guys, ya'll need to shut up and nut up because we're wheels up in five, everyone get on board". Nomad looks pissed, obviously disliking that Mike can't mind his own damn business. I just pick up my bag and board the chopper with Nomad in tow. Once on board, I learn that the final member of our attack squad is Grace, who is now sporting a nasty bruise along the side of her face. She looks at me and smiles, I offer a nod in return. This seems to satisfy her for now. Once done with all of that, I start putting on the rest of my combat kit by grabbing my lower face mask and old Ghost Recon beanie. Nomad looks surprised that even after being out of the game for two years I still kept it.

Now, I just have to do a weapons check, which will definitely be the longest part of this process. I start by grabbing my revolver from its holster on my side. This seems to surprise  everyone, though I don't know why. I quickly check the cylinder to make sure its full, which it is. I then double check the zero on its optic before putting it back. Next up, I reach into my bag and pull out my M4A1. It looks just about as good as always, even with all the wear and tear from over the years, heh, it looks almost as banged up as me. 

"Hey kid, is that a custom rifle", I hear Mike say from off to my right. I nod my head yes and he looks, oddly pleased. "Not to overstep my bounds, but do you mind if I take a look?", he says with a surprising amount of interest showing. I shake my head "No" and hold it out to him. He takes it with zero hesitation. I watch as he looks it over and verbally lists off every customization he can see, "Built in M203 Grenade Launcher, Select fire including single, burst, and fully automatic, Extended barrel with compensator and integral suppressor, not even gonna ask how you pulled that off, TA31H Acog, and, is that a recoil compensating butt-stock?". The question at the end surprises me, considering he's the first person to ever notice. I just nod my head "Yes",  before Nomad chimes in with,

"Didn't you titanium nitrite coat that one too? And your shotgun?", while sounding like a proud dad. Mike smiles while looking closer before saying,

"Indeed he did, that's quite some skill he's got, he even coated the internals", while handing it back to me. I take it willingly and reach for a magazine for it. Mike and Nomad both laugh when I pull out a 100 round drum, but Craig looks a little closer and finds a surprise,

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