The Start of the Healing

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Lera's POV (About nine months after the end of last chapter)

Me and Elias stay close as we get off the chopper and walk back to his room at the base, though we are surprised to find the door unlocked and partially open. We honestly don't know what to do because the only person with access to our spare key is Dominic, and he hardly ever leaves his room anymore. I watch as Elias pulls his sidearm from its holster and pushes the door open with his other hand. He walks in slowly and starts laughing out loud. I walk in as well to see Dominic standing in the middle of our dormitory red on the face and holding a banner that says. "Happy one year you obnoxious fucks" with love hearts above every "I" and surrounding the words.

"Awe, Dominic, were you planning to throw a party for us", I say warmly.

"Well, uh, no. No, I wasn't. The plan was kind of to decorate the room and bail out so that everyone else could take over", he says, the embarrassment in his tone obvious.

"Why man? It's not like you did anything wrong. If anything, it was a super sweet idea", Elias says with a grin.

"Well, you know. It's still kind of difficult to face everyone", he says to us shyly. Elias gives me an unsure look, as if he's asking me what to do.

"Dominic, it really shouldn't be. It's been months since Grace did what she did and no one blames you or thinks less of you because of what happened. If anything, you've earned all of our respect dude. You've been working yourself to the bone since then and it isn't healthy, and if you don't believe me, ask Harry. In less than a year you have been on over 100 missions. That's a world record, and not one to be proud of", I say to him softly, earning me a sidelong glance from him before I continue, "Hell, you've even become a legend to the White Mask because of your brutality. Dominic, it's obvious you're still hurting and we want to help".

"No, you want to help. No one else cares and that's obvious. And you know what, that's fine, it's how it's almost always been", he says coldly. I'm starting to lose him, me and Elias can both tell that his mind is being flooded with horrible memories. 

"That's not true and we both know it. You've been here for just under a year and just turned 18. You have nothing to be ashamed of in your past, nor your present'', I say to him while inching closer to him. He seems to notice this and starts stepping back. 

"That's enough Lera. Today is about you two, not me. You need to let it go", he says, some of the force that appears when on missions becoming present. 

"Only if you agree to come to the party you planned", Elias says lightly.

"Sorry, but that's not going to happen. It's either let all of that go or I leave right now", he says back. I go to open my mouth again and Dominic scoffs before dropping the banner that he's been holding this whole time before walking out the still open door. I look at Elias and let out a sigh.

"Damnit, what did we do wrong", I look to Elias and ask, though I'm surprised to see a look on his face I've never thought possible: disdain.

"Why do you do this Lera", he asks patiently.

"Do what?", I ask, my head as empty as Elias's current look.

"This. You've been doing this exact same thing for months", he says back to me.

"What is "this" Elias? You aren't making any sense", I shout back, suddenly out of patience.

"Lera, "this" is referring to how you've been treating Dominic. You've been going out of your way to be nice to him, to be gentle and caring. You used to act like this towards me, but over the past few months you slowly stopped and turned almost all of your attention to him. Why?", he shouts back, catching me by surprise with the anger in his voice. 

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