This took me forEVER to draw and color, somewhere between five and six hours.
But here is meh pretty girl, Honeydew!!
I called her my child, I know. Idk, but she just is!!!
She's quiet and smart, and she LOVES fruit, perhaps more than the average RainWing.
It takes a lot to make her mad, but when she is, RUN!! lol >:3
Bye meh peeps!!
Angel's Art Book #1 -- Wings of Fire Art/Doodles and More!
Fantasy- Welcome to the cringe fest - Hey, Angel here! This four-year-old art book has my most cringe-worthy art. I would suggest looking at art book 3 for more recent doodles, but if cringe-yness doesn't bother you, go right ahead :) IGNORE THE NAME I PUT...