⁷ Darwin

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But I am very poorly today and very stupid, and hate everybody and everything.

-Charles Darwin

Revenge & Friendship

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Revenge & Friendship

On Sunday morning Harper stood on the porch of Embry Call's house. The girl who had been fuming moments prior felt every bit of fire leave her little by little. Why was she even here? She was fully capable to do the project alone. And yet she wasn't going to. It wasn't fair for her and she wasn't going to let anyone push her around, and not Embry Call no less. 

With a surge of confidence, Harper knocked on the door. She could hear a ruckus from inside as someone rushed to open it. Embry's mom was beautiful. She aged gracefully, but that didn't mean she was without wrinkles or flaws. Her thick dark hair was braided down her back and laced with gray hairs. Her hands were adorned with rings. Harper could see the wrinkles around her eyes when the woman gave her a kind smile.

"Hi, um who are you?" She asked lightly. The confusion was evident in her voice and her face as her eyebrows furrowed slightly and her lips pursed. Harper couldn't blame her. After all, she didn't think Embry of all people would have teenage girls banging down his door. Tiffany Call was thinking the same thing as she studied the young girl on her doorstep. 

"Hello Ms. Call," Harper beamed up at the woman. "I go to school with Embry and we have a project due soon," Harper explained. Tiffany nodded along with Harper's words. "We were supposed to meet yesterday and he just never showed." 

At this Tiffany opened the door wide and gestured for Harper to enter her humble abode. "Come on in," she said tiredly.

Harper entered the house and a somewhat uncomfortable feeling settled in her. It was homey and warm. The teen was aware that Embry was happy around his friends, those he knew and was comfortable with and liked. That did not include her. She didn't know why he didn't like her and she had sneaking suspicion that it had to do with that rat bastard Uley. She shouldn't have come. She really should not have come at all. What was she even doing here-

"Embry's room is the last one down the hall to the left," Tiffany called from the kitchen where she was making lunch. "I don't think he's awake yet, but go ahead and wake him up." 

Harper nodded numbly, the braid she had tied her hair up in hitting her shoulder as she did so. The girl padded quietly to the room, her heavy boots not making a single sound. Embry's door was decorated with pictures of random bands that Harper did not know, some looked heavy metal others were rock. It was the only thing parting his room from any of the other rooms of the Call house. The teen hesitantly knocked on his door. After hearing no response she opened it. 

Embry's room wasn't what Harper had expected. She had expected it to be messy, a disastrous pigsty. It had been kept fairly clean and simple. The walls were plastered with random posters except for where a couple of skateboards were hanging up. The blank pieces of wall revealed a creme colored paint. The floors were wood and pretty bare, except for a stack of books, magazines, and movies next to the dresser and a pile of shoes next to his laundry basket. There wasn't a lot of furniture in the room. A dresser lined one wall where a small tv sat along with a radio. Opposite to it was a twin bed. The comforter and sheets were a dark gray, both of them had been pushed aside and onto the floor by Embry.

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