²⁵ Turing

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Hardest time to lie to somebody is when they're expecting to be lied to.

-Alan Turing

-Alan Turing

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liar liar

Girls like Harper were like a loaded gun, this was something Embry Call knew to be nothing but the truth. With one wrong move, a single misfire, just one mistake and it was game over. Zero lives left. And she was close, so incredibly close, to firing. Now, Harper had never outwardly displayed any homicidal tendencies but midway through Billy's story, the pieces just simply clicked and she had never felt as much unbridled rage as she had at that moment. Sam Uley was sure to find out how much harm she could do soon, she would make sure of it, bet her entire livelihood on it. She just wanted to hear it.

"The cold ones with bright red eyes and skin like stone, our mortal enemies," Billy had explained before clearing his throat to continue his knowing eyes passing over her stony expression, set hard in a frown, "their mere presence caused the wolf resting inside of us to come alive."

The wolf resting inside.

The wolf.


She fucking knew it. Harper had been so wrong before. So incredibly and stupidly wrong that as she glared at the wall, imagining Sam's face, she knew. She knew that she was blinded. She should've seen it. But how could she have? Harper didn't believe in gods or monsters, let alone the legends that she grew up with. Why? Because they were legends, stories with morals on how to be a good kid or why the world was the way it is. Because there was truth in what people saw and if she hadn't seen or tracked what she had in months she would've thought she was going crazy.

Correction: She did think she was going crazy.

Harper stumbled out of Billy Black's home without much of an explanation. Running into a wall or two and tripping over a haphazardly placed pair of Jacob's shoes. As soon as she pushed herself out of the squat home she broke into a sprint. She was sliding in the mud as she tried to stop, her hands reaching out to grasp onto the front of Nova. The frazzled girl fumbled her keys with shaking fingers until they dropped in the gravel and mud. Harper let out a flurry of curses as she grabbed them before eventually unlocking her jeep and ramming the still muddy keys into the ignition.

There would be hell to pay and she was going to make sure of it.

Harper drove without care. All of her thoughts were pointing fingers, shifting blame, and finding a scapegoat. There wasn't a single logical thought going through her mind except that she had been lied to. They betrayed her, kept her out of the loop. For how long? Was it- No. But it had to have been. Since she had been in La Push the lies that they had oh so beautifully crafted. Or had they, maybe she wasn't listening close enough. Maybe it was her fault she didn't know. Maybe. Her hands shook as they tightly gripped the wheel. Her knuckles were a bright white and her teeth were pressed so tightly together she would feel the ache in her jaw hours later.

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