²¹ Hypatia

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Reserve your right to think, for even thinking wrongly is better than to not think at all.

- Hypatia

- Hypatia

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The Well

Life sucks and then you die. This was a lesson Harper herself was learning as the community she had been in was hit with another loss. Harry Clearwater was dead. His funeral was a slightly less somber affair with the filled casket. Apparently, he had a heart attack in the forest next to one of his best friends as they tried to shoot Harper's wolves with. Charlie Swan was beside himself, sitting between Billy Black and Sue Clearwater. Sue was holding Seth's hand, leaning closer to him so with the other hand she could hold Leah as well.

Harry was a council member, an important part of society. The entire community of La Push had seemingly forgotten about Sage's disappearance and even though it had been a while it still hurt like a motherfucker.

And yet Harper seemed wrapped up in her own life when she noticed that several days after the funeral that Quil wasn't at school. And then Seth wasn't there either. Harper checked in at the gym in Forks where Leah worked and she hadn't shown up in a while either.

Everything fell into place when she saw Leah sulking walking towards the house in a thin tank top and cutoff shorts, taller than usual and muscular. There was a tattoo on her arm. The same as the others.

Harper was leaving the young home for school when she saw the sad young woman who had been through too much. She stopped in her tracts and couldn't do anything but stare. She had just assumed that Leah would become one of their weird sister wives like Kim and Emily, but somehow this was worse.

"Leah?" She questioned softly as if she was seeing a mirage. Something that she shouldn't be seeing at all. Leah didn't look at her, instead kept her head down and brushed passed her younger relative.

From then on that day got much much  worse when she showed up at school to see that Seth - Sweet, young, and nice Seth - had shot up like a bean pole and had been taking a steady dosage of steroids since the crib. And then it got even worse when during Biology she had seen that Quil was also now packing some muscles.

In conclusion, everything was going down the fucking drain.

Harper didn't sit at the cafeteria that day when she noticed that the entire gang had commandeered her table. Instead, she glared angrily, watching the way Embry nervously looked around. The way Jake pouted. The way Jared preened at Kim who was talking excitedly to Seth about something. The way Quil laughed like he never had around Harper.

She wasn't that good of a replacement she supposes.

It had been a rainy May Saturday when Harper drove to Moonstruck Diner. Forks High would be ending in a month or so, Jessica would be graduating. Mike, Eric, and Tyler would have some sick parties to commemorate. Eli would be leaving soon. She should be leaving soon.

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