¹⁴ Meitner

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Life need not be easy, provided only that it is not empty.

- Lise Meitner

Gaslighting, Betrayal, & Pie

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Gaslighting, Betrayal, & Pie

Since that Tuesday things had been uneventful for Harper. She had been working after giving Ms. Mooney several apologies for bailing on her shift. Mooney forgave her the second she mentioned getting 'lost' in the woods. Her and Sage still hung out regularly during the week and her weekends were usually spent in Forks with Eli and his group. She had been going out into the woods as often as possible despite everyone telling her not to. Which somehow only made her want to go in more, spite is a beautiful thing like that. Harper had also sat at the table with Jake and Quil seeing as Embry was sick with mono and the forcibly explained to her that they were just teasing an oversensitive Embry about something.

While they loved their jackass of a friend dearly, both were dreading him coming back. Quil and Jake had a feeling in their gut that they knew what happened to Embry Call. He had cut off all communication. And they initiated a lot. From coming by Tiffany's house to calling 24/7. The seemingly worst part was that Tiffany had no idea where he was either, just that he was staying with Sam.

Tiffany Call was home when her son arrived. It had been eight long days and while the council had approached her and told her that he was okay, that he was fine, she did not believe them. They refused to let her see them but had told her that she was staying with Jacob. She didn't question it. She didn't want to. But when Jacob had called asking where her son was and she found out he was with Sam 'I'm 20 and hang out with 16 year-old-children' Uley she had been rightfully pissed. And when he walked through the home soaking wet, at least six inches taller than he was when he left, and pure muscle she stared in shock for a second.

The glass she was holding dropped to the ground as she raced to him. She wrapped her arms around her son and hugged him and held him and cried. Embry did the same as he buried his head in her neck. 

Shifting was torture. Not only that but learning that he was dangerous until he got his new temper under control shook him to his core. It was a duty shoved onto him that he didn't want. But he saw Emily. He knew how dangerous the leeches were and since one took a special interest in Harper. Well, he took a special interest in it, moreover, killing it.

Tiffany at one point seemed to snap out of her stupor and lightly pushed Embry away so she could look at him. He was burning up. He had cut his hair? When had he done that?! He loved his long hair. And then she spied that mark on his upper arm, just peeking out from his tee-shirt. Her jaw dropped.

"Embry Dakota Call!" She shouted the boy winced as his mom tugged on his arm, but complied. She pushed passed the soaked fabric and shook in fury. "When? When did you do this?!" She pointed a finger at the tat.

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