The Magnificent Seven

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"I don't wanna learn!" Harmony whined as Dean carried her out of the motel room under his arm.

"You have to." Dean said with a grin on his face.

"Why?" Harmony asked as she kicked harshly wanting out of this.

"All little girls your age learn this." Dean said as he set her down on her feet in front of a bike. "And as your legal guardian it's my job to teach you."

Harmony glared at the bike with hatred. "It looks stupid."

"Yeah." Dean nodded. "Well up you go." Dean said as he put her on it. "Helmet and protection on tight?"

"I hate this." Harmony mumbled.

"This is just the beginning sweetheart, I have all kinds of stuff for us to do that we should have done a long time ago."

"If you say tea party I'm gonna smack you."

Dean looked down at her for a moment before shrugging. "Ok then I won't say it."

"Dean." Harmony groaned. "Why are we doing this?"

Dean had to stop for a moment, he didn't want to tell his sister the truth that he's dying and he just wants to make as many memories with her as he can. "Can you just do this for me?" Dean finally asked. "I really feel like I made you miss out on so much. You're going to be seven years old soon and I just want to enjoy this, you're not gonna be this little forever you know."

Harmony could see the pleading in Dean's eyes and nodded. "Ok Dean, I'll do it for you."

Dean smiled big. "That's my girl."

Sam was watching nearby on the motel deck with his laptop on his lap. He won't stop trying to find a way to break Dean's deal.

After a few tries Harmony finally got the hang on it. "OK kiddo. I'm gonna let you go."

"Dean don't you dare!" Harmony yelled.

"On three... Three." With that Dean let go and Harmony was riding on her own.


"She's doing it Sammy! She's doing it!" Dean cheered.

Sam looked up and widened his eyes. "Dean, did you teach her how to stop?"

The proud grin on Dean's face fell and was now replaced with panic as he ran after her. "HARMONY!!"

"DEAN!" Harmony screamed.

"The brake is on the handlebars!"


"That's the bell!" Dean shouted.

"Who puts a stupid bell on a bike?!" Harmony yelled.

Sam shook his head chuckling before his phone rang. "Hey Bobby."

"Hey Sam, what you up to?"

"Well Dean is teaching Harmony how to ride a bike."

"How's that going?" Bobby asked.


"Heather Harmony Winchester! Do not burn that bike! It's a rental!" Dean yelled.

"There's your answer."

"How's the kid doing with this whole having fire power thing?" Bobby asked.

"She seems fine actually, she seems to have full control of it even." Sam answered.

"Lets hope so, how about you? You still buried in research? Sam, if you wanna break Dean's deal you ain't gonna find answers in no book or website." Bobby sighed.

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