Bad Day At Black Rock

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Harmony isn't sure exactly what's going on, just that her brothers got a call saying something of their dads was stolen in a warehouse. "So what is it?" Harmony asked her brothers.

"We don't know sweetheart." Sam shrugged. "Dad never even told us he had something kept in storage."

"Spend my whole life with the guy and it's like I don't even know him." Dean mumbled as he picked the lock.

"No demons allowed." Sam nodded to the Devil's trap on the floor.

"There's blood." Dean observed. "Check this out." Dean pointed to a trip wire.

"Whoever broke in here got tagged." Sam nodded.

"Dear old dad." Dean chuckled. "I got two sets of boot treads here. Looks like it was a two man job. And our friend with the buckshot in him, looks like he kept walking."

"So what's the deal? Dad would do work here or something?" Sam asked.

"Living the high life as usual." Dean shrugged.

"It's full of a lot of weird stuff." Harmony observed as she saw what looked like elephant tusks.

"No way!" Sam spotted something. "That's my division championship soccer trophy. I can't believe he kept this."

"Probably the closest you ever came to being a boy." Dean joked before he saw something. "It's my first sawed-off. I made it myself. In sixth grade."

Harmony spotted something to. "What are these?"

Sam took a look and widened his eyes. "Those were all your pacifiers." Sam explained to you. "I thought we threw those away when she outgrew them."

"We did." Dean said. "You really think dad dug into the trash to get them back?"

"Must have." Sam grinned before they looked around some more.

"Holy.." Dean pointed to a whole wall full of weapons. "Nothing was taken from here so they must have known what they were after."

"Hey, Dean check this out." Sam pointed to some boxes. "See these symbols? That's binding magic. These are cursed boxes."

"Like Pandoras?" Harmony asked.

"That's right, they're built to contain the power of the cursed object." Sam then notices something. "And one of them is missing."

"Let's stay positive, maybe they didn't open it." Dean shrugged.

"Really Dean?" Harmony raised her brow.

"Yeah, you're right, lets track down the bastards." Dean sighed.

"How?" Harmony asked.

Dean looked around and grinned. "Bet they didn't black out their plates before they parked in front of the camera."

"Well at least we know they're not hunters." Sam grinned.

"Just idiots." Harmony chuckled.

They managed to find the right place before they broke in to see two guys playing cards. Sam and Dean grabbed their guns.

"Stay by the door sweetie." Dean tells Harmony before he and Sam ran in."Freeze! Freeze! Nobody move!" Dean walked up to one of them keeping his gun on him while Sam held his on the other. "Alright, give us the box. And please tell me that you didn't..."

"Oh they did." Sam said when he looked at the empty box.

"You opened it?!" Dean shouted at them as he slammed one into the wall.

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