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"FREEZE! POLICE OFFICERS!" Dean yelled as he and Sam stormed into a room of a haunted house they were hunting in. Harmony was right behind them a few feet away. Sam and Dean walked up to a couple of guys holding cameras. One was in a full camouflage suit.

"Alright take it easy." Sam said more calmly. "Let's see some identification."

"Are we under arrest?" Some of them asked clearly freaking out as he nervously handed Dean his wallet.

"We are unarmed." The other guy told them.

"You want to explain that weirdo outfit, Mr., uh, Corbett?" Dean asked.

"Whoa." The other guys suddenly said. "I know you."

"Yeah, sure you do." Dean rolled his eyes. "Give me some identification."

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second, I know the both of you guys, yeah. You had a little girl with you last time."

"Holy Beep." Sam suddenly said.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Uh, West Texas, the tulpa we had to take out." Sam reminded him. "Those two goofballs that almost got us killed. Uh, Hellhounds or something?"

Dean shined his flashlight into Ed's face and saw it was him. "Beep me." Dean groaned.

"Yeah, we're not Hellhounds anymore." Ed said. "Didn't test that well."

"Ed, what's going on?" Corbett asked.

"They're not cops buddy." Ed explained.

Dean groaned again. "Harmony come in here baby."

Harmony walked over and let Dean pick her up on his hip while Harmony laid her head on his shoulder.

"Aw, she's so cute." Corbett said.

"Don't be fulled Corbett." Ed said remembering this girl threatened him before. "She's a devil child."

Dean grabbed Dean by the neck and shoved him into the wall. "You say something like that about my baby again I'm gonna rip out your throat and shove it up your Beep."

Harmony giggled and kissed Dean's cheek to calm him down a little bit.

Dean took a deep breath and loosened his grip on Ed's neck. "Ed, thought you had a partner, didn't you? A different guy? Is he around here somewhere?"

"Oh yeah." Ed nodded. "He's uh, running around chasing ghosts."

"Yeah right." Harmony rolled her eyes.

"Ok listen, you and Rambo need to get your girlfriends and get out." Dean told him.

Ed started laughing. "Alright, listen here, chisel chest, ok? We were here first, we've already set up base camp. We beat you."

"Did you hear that baby?" Dean looked at Harmony. "They were here first."

"Didn't learn from last time." Harmony nodded before she punched Ed in the nose.

"OW!" Ed yelled holding his nose.

"Relax you wuss, I didn't break it." Harmony said.

"What are you doing at the Morton House Ed? On a leap year? What were you thinking?!" Dean shouted.

"We're here to spend the night, ok?" Ed said backing away from Harmony's fist. "It's for our TV show."

"You losers don't have a TV show." Harmony said.

Descendants Daughter of Hades AU Part 3Where stories live. Discover now