Harmony Finds Out

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(Sorry, episodes will be skipped but I hope you like what I do instead)

Hades paces around in his throne room in full flame. "They were suppose to find a way!"

The imps watch him shaking knowing if they say the wrong things they're marshmallows.

"Dean can't die! I won't allow it!" Hades shouts.

"But sir, you're here and he's there." Panic stuttered.

Hades stopped pacing and then rubs his temples. "I gotta help him, I owe him so much."

"But how?" Pain asked.

Hades sighs. "I'm gonna do something I should have done a long time ago... I'm gonna talk to my daughter."

Bela snuck into the hotel room the Winchester siblings were staying. She could see the beds were being used so she shot at them.

"Ouch." Harmony sat up in the bed and glared at Bela. "Thanks for that."

Bela's eyes widened as Harmony wasn't even hurt. Harmony uncovered the beds to show she stuffed them with blankets and pillows. "That was my favorite blanket by the way."

"Where are your brothers?" Bela asked. "How are you not bleeding?"

"Sam and Dean are on a case. You see Bela, my brothers got a tip from someone you went to, he also happens to be friends with Bobby. So of course Bobby called my brothers, told them you were going to try and kill them so I told them to go on this case without me or I teleport them to Canada. As for your second question, I'm not human remember."

"Then what are you?" Bela asked.

"I don't know." Harmony teleported behind Bela so she was blocking the door. "Where's the colt Bela?"

"I don't have it." Bela said.

"Who does?" Harmony asked.

"Lillth." Bela answered.

"Lillth? The demon that wants my brothers dead?" Harmony raised her brow. "Why the hell would you give it to her?"

"She changed the deal we made. She would break my contract if I kill Sam."

Harmony's clenched her fists in anger making them burn with fire. "You really are a heartless bitch. I know what you did, Dean and Sam took a look at your files. You had a demon murder your parents so you could get all their money."

"I was desperate."

"You don't make deals with demons you dumb bimbo! They never keep their word!"

"Did you tell your brother that? When he made his deal?"

"What are you talking about?" Harmony asked.

Bela narrowed her eyes down at the child. "You don't know?"

"Know what?" Harmony snapped. "All I know is you took the gun for your soul, but stealing the colt wasn't enough. Don't you get it Bela? You're never getting out of your deal, they change their minds all the time but it only ever works in their favor not yours. Dean told me your parents died ten years ago today, and oh look at that." Harmony pointed to the clock. "Almost midnight Cinderella."

"Harmony please, I need help." Bela actually broke down in tears.

"We are way past help." Harmony glared.

"I know I don't deserve it."

"Damn right you don't." Harmony crossed her arms. "If you would have worked with my brothers instead of against them you might have found a way out of your contract by now."

"I know, and I'm sorry, and if I wouldn't have taken the colt you would have saved Dean too."

"What?" Harmony once again said.

"Harmony, your brother Dean made a deal to save Sam's life. The demon that holds my contract holds Deans too."

"Don't you think my brothers would have told me that?" Harmony snapped not believing a word Bela is saying.

"Clearly they did not."

"Why are you saying this?" Harmony asked.

"Because if you're as powerful as you seem then maybe you can kill the bitch, and save your brother."

Harmony heard barking outside and saw that it's a minute to midnight. "Look into my eyes Bela."


"Just do it."

Bela bent down to Harmony's level and Harmony took a quick look into her soul before widening her eyes. Bela didn't kill her parents to get their money, she did it because they were abusing her.

"Bela, maybe..." Harmony was cut off by her own flames that were appearing in her hands. "No no not now."

"What's happening?" Bela asked her.

"I don't know!" Harmony screamed. "Run!"

Bela tried to get out but Harmony's red fire surrounded her and burned her right when the hell hound ran in and starting ripping Bela apart. Harmony screamed and ran out of the room closing the door behind her. She looked at her hands not knowing why she did that until she remembered something. Something she said to Bela.

"When I find you Bela, I'm gonna burn you like the evil witch you are."

That sentence repeated itself in her head, she can't lie so she had no choice but to keep her word. But that's not what really made the tears flow. When Harmony looked into Bela's soul she saw that Bela was telling the truth about her brother. Dean was gonna die in a few hours, he made a deal to save Sam and it's due.

"NO!" Harmony cried flaming up so big that the motel itself caught on fire. Luckily there was hardly anyone in the motel and whoever was got out once the fire alarm went off. But Harmony didn't move, she couldn't. Her brother is dying and there is no way to find a way out of his contract in so little time.


Harmony looked up but didn't see anyone, she must be hearing things.

"Harmony, listen."

Harmony didn't know that voice at all but it sounded like music to her ears. This voice wasn't hard like Deans or soft like Sams. It was something in between, she sat up and looked around but didn't see anyone. "Where are you?"

"You can't see me, you can only hear me, now listen. We don't have much time."

"Who are you?" Harmony asked.

"How do I say this without freaking you out...... I'm your dad."

Descendants Daughter of Hades AU Part 3Where stories live. Discover now