Fresh Blood

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"Who was that?" Harmony asked when Dean hung up his phone.

"Bela." Dean answered. "Now come on, we gotta get to our hunt."

The three Winchesters looked around the area they were in until they found a guy who had a very bad neck injury. Clearly a vampire bite.

"Hey hey, don't worry, we're gonna call you some help ok?" Sam spoke softly to the man.

"Where is she? Where'd she go?" Dean asked him.

The man choked but managed to point in a direction. Dean and Harmony quickly ran to where he was pointing and looked around but they saw no vampires. Dean nodded to Harmony who quickly ran to hide while Dean used his machete to make a cut in his arm. "SMELL THAT? COME AND GET IT!"

Right away a young vampire girl appeared and eyed Dean's arm with hunger.

"That's right." Dean grinned at her. "Come on, I smell good, don't I? I taste even better." Dean then held up his machete for her to see only for him to throw it on the ground. "Come on, free lunch."

The vampire charged at him but before she could grab him Harmony ran out and injected dead man's blood into her leg.

"Whoo!" Dean cheered as the vampire went down. "That's my girl!"

Dean, Sam and Harmony quickly took the vampire and tied her to a chair before she wakes up.

"You with us?" Dean asked when her eyes fluttered open and she tried to get up. "Oh yeah, sorry. You're not going anywhere."

"Where's your nest?" Sam asked her.

"What?" The vampire asked confused.

"Your nest! Where you and your bloodsucking pals hang out." Dean shouted.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The girl whimpered. "Please, I don't feel good."

"Yeah well, you're gonna feel worse when we give you another shot of dead man's blood." Dean held up the needle for her to see.

"Just let me go." The vampire begged.

"Yeah you know we can't do that." Sam chuckled.

"I'm telling the truth." She insisted. "I just... I took something. I'm freaking out, I don't know what's going on."

Harmony took a look into her eyes and saw that she wasn't lying. "You took something?"

"Yes, I can't calm down. I just wanna calm down." The vampire whimpered.

"What's your name?" Harmony asked.

"Lucy. Please sweetie, tell them to let me go."

Harmony sighed. "Alright Lucy, just tell us what happened and we'll see if we can help."

"I don't really... it's not that clear. I was at Spider, the club on Jefferson, and there was this guy, he was buying me drinks."

"What did he look like?" Harmony asked.

"He was older, like 30. He had brown hair, a leather jacket. His name was Deacon or Dixon or something."

"This guy sounds like he could be your twin Dean." Harmony chuckled.

"He said he was a dealer." Lucy continued. "He had something for me. Something new, he put a few drops in my drink."

"Was the drug red and thick?" Harmony asked her.

Lucy nodded.

"Well, genius move there." Dean mumbled before looking into Lucy's eyes. "That was vampire blood."

Descendants Daughter of Hades AU Part 3Where stories live. Discover now