Jus In Bello

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Sam and Dean went into Bela's home with their guns drawn. "You sure this is it?" Sam asked.

Dean held up a couple of wigs he found. "I'd say so."

Harmony was in a different room looking for the colt until the phone in the room rang "Hello." Harmony answered it knowing it was probably Bela.

"Hello sweetie." Bela cheerfully said.

"Where are you Bela?" Harmony asked.

"Two states away by now."

"We need the colt back Bela, demons are coming for us and I can only do so much." Harmony said.

"I don't know what that means dear, but I need it."

"My brothers and I will find you, you know that right?"

"That's where you're wrong, you and your charming brothers are about to be pretty occupied. Did you really think I wouldn't take precautions?"

"Hangs in the air!"

Harmony gasped when she heard someone yell in the room her brothers were in. "Bela you didn't."

"Had to." Bela said.

"Bela, when my brothers and I are out the first thing I'm gonna do is kill you when I find you."

"I'll be long gone by then."

"I'll be out by tonight, there is no place that can hold me, I can get out of anywhere just by focusing. Didn't my brothers and Bobby tell you I'm not human?"

Bela's grin fell. "What?"

"That's right, there are no bars that can hold me. I can go through them, bend them, melt them, hell I can even teleport. You shot my brothers, you almost got them killed when you stole from John Winchester's curse box, you took the only weapon that can save them, and now you just did this. When I find you Bela, I'm gonna burn you like the evil witch you are." Harmony said low and slow.

"You're not serious."

"I've never told a lie a day in my life Bela. And this time I don't even think Sam will save you. Enjoy life while you have it bitch." Harmony hung up just as some cops came into the room.

Hours later an FBI agent Hendrickson walked into a small police station. "Where's all your men? I asked for all you're men."

"And you got them." The sheriff said. "They all went with you on the raid."

"Four men? That's all?"

"Everyone I could drum up with an hours notice." The sheriff nodded. "We're a small town, Agent Henriksen."

"This isn't how I would do it if I had my choice, but a tip's a tip and we had to move fast."

"Look agent, this isn't my first rodeo."

"You've never been to a rodeo like this before." Hendrickson said. "Do you have any idea who we're about to bring in here?"

"Yeah, a couple of fugitives and a child."

"The most dangerous criminals you've ever laid eyeballs on. Think Hannibal Lecter, his half-wit brother, and a child who's been trained to kill since she was born. Do you know what this family do for kicks? Dig up graves and mutilate corpses. They're not just killers, they're Satan-worshipping killers. So work with me here, I'll get them out of your hair and on to Supermax and you'll be home in enough time to watch the Farm Report." Hendrickson told the sheriff.

The front desk woman slowly put her hands on her cross necklace.

"However we can help." The sheriff said. "Where's my men?"

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