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Mavis and Johnny decided to go somewhere to bond with Dennis, which means Winnie will be left alone.

When they left, Winnie was bored so she found herself lurking around the hotel. Then she spotted Ericka sitting on one of the couches in the lobby, she was looking through some fashion magazines. Then Winnie had an idea. She approached Ericka and greeted,

"Hi Aunt Ericka!"

Ericka looked up from her magazine and greeted back, "Oh hi Winnie!"

"Um... Aunt Ericka, are you busy?" She asked.

"Me? No not really, actually i'm starting to get board because i've readed this one about fifty times!" She exclaimed showing her magazine, "Why do you ask?"

"Actually, i wanted to ask you if..." she hesitated.


"If you wanna play... dress up?" She finally asked.

"Dress up? I think it would be great!" She said standing up and asked, "Well, do you have any dress?"

"No..." she sadly looked away when she realized that.

"Oh... don't worry. I have plenty of them since my childhood, good thing i brought them here. Come on" she said cheerfully.

"Yey!" Winnie squealed and followed her.

Ericka went to their room and let Winnie in. Winnie sat on the edge of their bed. And Ericka opened her closet and reached for a small chest and brought it in front of Winnie. Winnie inspected the chest and readded,

"Ericka's Old Stuff Through Childhood"

Ericka opened the chest and said,

"So... here's my stuff, now let's get started" she giggled.

Winnie went closer to the chest and started to find a clothe that will fit her, she found herself holding a princess costume and she was gazing at it.

"Go on, try it." Ericka said.

Winnie started to put out her clothes and she tried on the costume, as she finished she asked Ericka,

"Aunt Ericka, how old are you when this still fits you?" While looking on a mirror, admiring it.

"I think i was... seven...? I'm not sure..." she said.

"Wait aren't you gonna try any dress?" Winnie asked her.

"Oh right," she said while she went to her clothes to search what still fits her. "I wonder if this still fits me..." she said bringing out an elegant white dress.

"Wow... try it!" Winnie squealed.

"Alright, alright" she said as she unbuttoned her clothes.

Awhile later...

"Aunt Ericka... you look beautiful!!" Winnie yipped looking at Ericka wearing her white dress. "How old are you when you wore that?"

"Oh i think i was... eighteen... for my birthday. I'm surprised it still fits." She said gazing at herself in a mirror.

"Winnie, do you want to put on some make up?" She asked holding her make up brush.

"I'd love to" Winnie said as she went to Ericka. Ericka started to put some make up on her, when she was done, she started putting on make up on herself.

On the other hand, Drac is trying to find Ericka. He looked everywhere, except, his room. When he reached his room, he heard giggling on the other side of the room. He opened the door a little to peek in, he saw Winnie wearing a princess costume and her clothes on the floor. He peeked a little more and saw Ericka's clothes on the floor, he gasped. He finally opened the door. Ericka and Winnie saw him and they stood up surprised with his presence. Ericka then realized that she was wearing her 18th birthday dress.

"... hi... honey..." she giggled nervously.

"Hi Uncle Drac!" Winnie greeted.

"Ericka..." he said gazing in her dress.

"Uh... yes?"

"You look b-"

"BEAUTIFUL!!!" Winnie squealed as she cut off Drac.

Ericka simply giggled. Drac walked in and came across his surrounding, he sat on the edge of their bed and asked,

"So... girls, what have you been doing?"

"We're playing dress up!" Winnie yipped.

Ericka had an idea and whispered something to Winnie and she snickered. Ericka locked the door behind her, giggling. Drac suddenly felt a shiver in his spine as Ericka and Winnie walked closer with grin on their faces.

"Um... what are you up to?" Drac asked nervously

Ericka snickered and said, "We are going to play dress up!"

"But aren't you already doing it?" Drac asked.

"Well i think it's more fun now that... your here..." she chuckled at the last part.

Drac gulped hard as he caught what she meant and said, "Woah, would you look at the time..." he said gesturing to his watch and stood up, but his tracks was stopped by Winnie holding up a pink fairy dress. Drac felt a hand on his stiff shoulders making him turn around, as he did, Ericka was holding up a make up brush and pounced it at Drac, he screamed. (Lol)

An hour later... his clothes was everywhere. Drac found himself glaring at his 'dress' that he is now wearing, he can even feel the make up that Ericka had apply on him, although he can't see his reflection in front of the mirror, he can feel that he looked ridiculous.

"You... look... AMAZING!" Ericka yipped, obviously impressed with herself 'styling' the Count with the help of Winnie.

"Yep... i look amazing..." Drac said sarcastically.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Oh, no! Do-"

"Come in!" Ericka said as if she was teasing him.

Then, the door opened showing Mavis holding a box of chocolates.

"Hey guys! I thought you might like some..." she froze as she saw Ericka and Winnie dressed like that with grin on their faces. She suddenly found herself burst out laughing when she saw her father, the Prince of Darkness.

"Oh my god! Dad! What happened?" She asked between laughs.

"Ask her..." he said gesturing at Ericka, Ericka told Mavis what happened and they were all laughing, well all except the Count. Mavis brought out her phone and snapped a picture at her 'poor' father.

"Mavis! Did you just..." he stood up trying to grab her phone.

"Don't worry dad!" She said trying to keep her phone from Drac, "... i wont post it!"

Ericka and Winnie giggled seeing them. Winnie begun to feel her eyelids getting heavier and told Ericka,

"I think i'm going to sleep..."

"Oh... alright, sweet dreams!"

Winnie then removed the clothes and put hers on. She thanked her and left with Mavis. Drac and Ericka was left alone in their chamber.

"Do you want me to remove that for you?" Drac asked Ericka in a seductive tone.

"Oh... please" she replied playfully as they went to their next phase.

~the end~


Hey everyone! I hoped you enjoyed this one as much as you enjoyed your life! Hehehe. Anyways... if you want to suggest me any of your ideas, please, tell me :> i'd be very thankful.

If you may have noticed anything wrong be sure to say it in the comments!

Wanna make a person happy? Then vote here and there! *wink*

Stay safe everyone!

( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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