Chapter 15

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~Ryan's POV~

Something was up with Nicky, when she lies her whole body stiffens up.

"Okay.. Well I have stuff to do to." I say walking into the room.

"I know you do." Nicky mutters something.

"What? I didnt hear you." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing," Nicky says locking the door. "Since mom won't be waking up for a while I'm gonna get ready to go out."

"Where?" I ask as she grabs her toiletries.

"Just to the shops around here, you know the ones we used to hang out around." She says, then shuts the bathroom door in my face.

As she starts to get ready I start to get ready too.

"Wow you look fancy." Nicky commented as she walks out of the bathroom.

"Same to you." I laugh a little then it became awkward silence.

I stared at the ground regretting cheating on ashton cause I loved him. I looked at the clock that said 10:55. I remembered my little 'get together' with Calum.

"I uh am gunna go get some more of those little shampoos for the shower. We are uh out." I struggled to find a good excuse to go to the lobby.

"Oh okay bye." I gave her a small smile then left.

I got down to the lobby and saw ashton and Calum. What? No I knew Calum told him.

I quickly made my way back to the stairs and ran up them. I finally made it back to my room and unlocked it and saw mom gone and Nicky and Michael making out.

I walked back out and quietly shut the door. I ran into luke as I ran down the hallway.

"I-im sorry." I stuttered.

"Where were you going?" He asked.

"My uh room." I lied.

"You're rooms the other way? Were you gunna go to the roof cause I'm going there. Here cmon lets go." He smiled as he led me to the roof. "You know Ryan I think of you more of a sister. You know?"

"Yeah yeah. I feel like you're more of a brother than a like friend." I smiled as we reached the room.

"I love it here. This is what I'm good at, going to hotels and finding the way to the roofs." He smiled looking over the England skyline.

"That's a good thing to be able to do." I laughed.

"So why are you going to the roof? Did something happen with you and Ashton. Also im really sorry for being rude to you. I didn't like having girls on the tour but you guys aren't that bad."

"Yeah and no me and ashton are fine it's just im a bad person."

"No you're not. You know Ryan you can tell me anything. I promise I won't tell." I knew I could trust Luke like I trust ashton.

"Its just I kissed Calum and I'm dating Ashton and all this crap happened. But I know this so called love with Calum is puppy love and it's real love with ashton." .

"Like you love Ashton but it's puppy love with Calum? Hm Like explain how it felt when you first kissed ashton and how it felt when you first kissed Calum? I'm not trying to be creepy."

"Well with Calumit felt like-like," I sat down as I realized when I kissed Calum it felt like nothing but with ashton was something. "It felt like nothing. But with Ashton it felt like everything." I admitted.

"See you love ashton but with Calum it's puppy love so you were right but maybe you should talk to both of them. It's what's best."

Luke was an amazing person. And smart too.

"I guess I'll do that." I smiled while I stood up and started towards the door. "Thanks luke." He just smiled in return.

I made it back to my room and knocked on the door before just bursting in. Nicky opened the door as Michael, Ashton and Calum stood behind her.

"I-I." I stuttered.

"You kissed him?" Ashton asked angrily.

"Calm down." I muttered over and over to myself.

"Why would you do that when you said you loved me?!" Ashton was getting really angry.

I wasn't saying anything in return. I was trying to get myself to calm down. I was haveing a mental break down.

"Ryan?" My sister whispered to me as I kept my head down breathing shallowly.

"Hey just uh calm down." She said trying to get me to calm down.

"Don't you think I've tried calming down?! It's not working!" I broke down. I started crying and trying to breath but it wasn't working.

"Come here, let's sit down." She said grabbing me and helping me.

"No! No okay I don't wanna be around people who don't like me-" I stopped to catch my breath. "I can handle this myself." I said as I slowly walked away and back to the roof.

"Ryan let us help you!" Ashton said from down the hall.

"I don't need y'all's help." I said calmly as I reached the door to the roof and opened it climbing the ladder to the roof finding luke sitting down looking at the sky.

"Luke?" I whispered barley audioble.

"Hey what's up? You okay?" He asked coming over to me and hugging me.

"Yeah-yeah I'm fine. Just-just having an anxiety attack. But I'll be fine." I laughed a little until sitting down.

"That's not really fine. Would you say you're 'not fine at all'?" Me and luke both laughed at his terrible joke.

We talking for a while until we both got tired.

I was right, luke was like a brother to me.

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