Chapter 8

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☆Ryan's POV☆

~The Next Day~

After a night of no one talking to me except ashton who tried. I woke up and tried to go talk to my sister.

"Nicky?" I asked quietly seeing as everyone else was asleep.

"Hmm?" She answered.

"I just came to say sorry."

"I should be saying sorry cause I didn't mean to break moms rule. I'm sorry." She said back.


"Fuck yeah!" She yelled and jumped up and hugged me.

"Shut up!" One of the guys yelled from the bunks.

"We're gunna get Maccas!" I yelled.

"What?" They said as they all ran in.

"Wow that worked," Nicky laughed.

"Always does." I said.

"Are we actually getting Maccas?" Calum asked.

"No," me and Nicky laughed.

They all seemed pretty disappointed.

"Ryan? Can I uh talk to you?" Ashton asked.

"Sure." I said as he grabbed my hand and took me to the front of the bus.

"I'm really sorry for trying to kiss you. I never should of tried. It's just you're so beautiful and pretty and just perfect. I just-"

I cut him off by grabbing his t-shirt and crashing my lips into his.

"Shutup." I said between our lips making him laugh a little.

"You're cute." He said as he pulled away.

"That's the nicest way I could say shut up," I laughed.

"But your moms rule?" He said.

"I uh don't know bout that," I said hesitantly.

I wasn't really the one to be known as the rule breaker in our family. That was actually the first rule I ever broke.

Ashton grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "What she doesn't know won't hurt her." He said as he kissed me again.

I felt kinda guilty about doing this. It made my heart race when I did something bad.

"Ashton I'm not sure, she'll find out some how and I might not see you again." I said.

"Don't worry okay? I'll make sure no one knows, not even the people back there. Trust me okay?" He said.

I nodded. I knew I could trust ashton.

"Now let's go back before they think something happened." He said as he led the way back to the back.

"We're going to Maccas!" Michael yelled. I have Nicky a questioning look.

'I had to. It makes him happy.' She mouthed to me.

I guess luke saw it too cause he seemed really pissed after she said that.



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