2- Twist and Shout

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♪Now playing - Twist and Shout by The Beatles♪

"Tina?!" Jimmy Jr. exclaimed, "what are you doing here? You don't dance!" he continued. He was more than shocked to see her here, she was always so clumsy which never translated well with dancing.

Tina fidgeted with her hands anxiously as she looked up at Cheryl for help.

The young woman sighed with a smile, "it's cool T, you both step out so you explain the sitch to Jimmy Jr" she spoke reassuringly to the girl as she took a seat on the floor.

She looked over to the boy and motioned for them to go outside, he nodded and they stepped out.

"Explain." He practically demanded as he folded his arms across his chest, he was so confused and frustrated with Tina at the moment. "Well you see.." the raven haired girl started as she still fidgeted with her hands, Jimmy Jr cocked an eyebrow.

Tina sighed "a girl from another school and I made a bet,  and I have to learn every dance at this studio to complete my part.." she waffed her arms as she spoke, as if it would bring her point across more if she did so. "Okay, a little weird, but why didn't you just turn it down? Save you all the effort of learning every dance" Jimmy inquired, he was upset with her and frankly didn't enjoy being around her right now but it would've annoyed him to no end if he didn't find out what was going on with her. "I wish but there's a catch" Tina said tiredly as she leaned against the wall behind her, folding her arms "what kind of catch could there be?" he thought.

"What do you mean by a catch?"

"I also have to show off my dance skills and if I don't than the girl gets to do what she uh.. sees fit" she says in one breathe, she had refused to look at him once she mentioned the consequence part if she didn't do the bet. "Wow uh.. that's um…" he was at a lost of words on what to say, the consequence must be bad if Tina couldn't even say it. "I know." she seemed to understand what he wanted to say without having to saying it.

"How much longer do you have to train?" The ginger asked, he looked across to her even if the girl refused to look at him herself.

"About a month…"

Jimmy Jr. was taken aback by this. "That isn't a lot of time Tina.." he said absentmindedly, the statement slipping out without thinking. Tina bitterly laughed "no kidding."

Jimmy Jr swallowed dryly as he rubbed at the back of his neck.

"Well I better let you get back to your dancing, good luck Tina" and with that he shuffled off to his own dance session, leaving Tina standing in the hall before going back into the ballet room.


Chapter two finished!

Tina Dancer // TinaxJimmyjr Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now