4- Dancing In the Dark

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♪Now playing - Dancing In the Dark by Bruce Springsteen♪

Jimmy Jr had woken up early  and starting biking towards Bob's burgers, his father had allowed him a day off today since it was Saturday. Any other day off, he wouldn't of gotten up early. He would've stayed bed and relished in the fact that he didn't have to bus tables but today he wanted answers from a certain someone, that someone was of course Tina.

When he was in view of the restaurant he decided to take a break from riding and walk beside his bicycle instead.

As Jimmy Jr got to the front of the restaurant, he leaned his bike against the wall of the alleyway next to it. He gulped before finally stepping inside, causing the little door bell to ring.

"Hi Jimmy Jr! What can I getcha?" Linda greeted happily.

He sat in the tool closest to the door and smiled awkwardly as he replied "I'm good Mrs. B". The woman leaned an elbow on the counter as she continued to babble on happily to him. "Then what brings ya here then? Shouldn't ya be bussing tables over at Jimmy Pesto's?"

"Nah my dad gave me the day off actually, I came here to talk to Tina"

The two younger Belcher siblings groaned from the table behind him when he mentioned having a day off. Then proceed grumbling,  something about how they wished they could have a day off as well and that it was unfair that he had it instead of them. Bob, which was in the kitchen flipping burger patties, quickly shushed them before they could say anything else. "Aww that's so sweet of you to do that! Sorry but Tina's isn't here, yeah, she's off doing something" she said, going from happy to sad at the end.

"She already told me she's doing dancing to win a bet with some girl at a different school" he said, he knew they'd try to cover for Tina if she wasn't here. "Oh thank god! It was gettin' hard not to tell anyone" Linda exclaimed, full of relief. He chuckled softly, "do you have any idea where I can find her? I want to ask her a few questions about the bet" Jimmy Jr asked. He really wanted to get answers to his questions.

"You can find her around the wharp, she's probably running laps or something" Louise piped in, as she and Gene continued to fold napkin into a paper boats.

Jimmy Jr looked confusingly at the two before nodding and heading out. He grabbed his bicycle and began pedaling towards the wharp.


The wharp was just starting to become busy, it was going to make it a little difficult to find Tina. Jimmy Jr didn't care.

He maneuvered swiftly through the people walking pass. Jimmy Jr was looking for any sign of the girl but it was becoming forlorn to keep on searching, he had more than once mistaken someone else for her. He was frustrated and tired, he wanted to give up so bad. He could've just called her house or waited until school to ask, he wasted his off day on a wild goose chase!

He hopped off his bike and languidly plopped himself down on the wooden walk way, he rested his chin on his knees as he sighed loudly. It was stupid of him to think he'd find her.

Jimmy Jr began to hear quick foot steps coming closer, they sounded like sneakers. He leaded his head back on the fence behind him and closed his eyes. The person jogged pass him and he thought nothing of it because to him, it was, as far as he knew, just another passerby. The foots steps became more and more distant, but they also started slowing down until they completely stopped.

"Jimmy Jr?" A confused voice called.

His eye lids shot open as he flicked his head to the side. "Tina hi!" He shouted a little too happy as he quickly got to his feet, the person who spoke was the girl he had been looking for. "Um hey" Tina was shocked by how excited he was to see her, he never acted that way around her.

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