Plumeria High

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Adora's Pov>

(Y/N) had gotten permission from Principal Angella so that her and I could visit Plumeria High. This is where one of her friends reside since Horde High started to gain more land

"You're gonna love Perfuma Adora, she's really nice until she misses meditation session"

"Well if she's your friend she's probably great" I smile and look forward and get lost in space. It had been about a month since Nate got expelled and I healed (Y/N). Like I thought, she had no memory of that whole fiasco when she woke up and then proceeded to freak out cause I was sleeping next to her

'Her red face was so cute..'

"Adora you're gonna hit that-" I had walked into a wall face first and held my nose as I backed up

"Wall.. sorry you were out of it"

"No its fine don't worry about it (Y/N)" I look up at the school, its completely covered in bushes, flowers and shrubbery. It's rather really pretty

"(Y/N)? Is that you!"

I saw (Y/N) run towards a girl with long blonde hair and a flower dress as she caught (Y/N) in her arms

"Perfuma its been so long! Oh this is my friend Adora"

I walk over and the girl sneers at me and I began to feel very nervous

"I've heard of her, My grandmother told me she led Horde High to the basketball victory last year, what are you doing around (Y/N) scum"

I felt attacked but (Y/N) stood back on her own two feet and got in front of me like she was protecting me from the flower girl

"She's good now Perfuma, She goes to Bright Moon now, Pinkie Promise she's a good person"

I watched as (Y/N) held up her pinkie and Perfuma gave me one more look up and down before sighing and linking her pinkie with (Y/N)'s

"I'll trust you (Y/N) but if she messes up, she has to leave immediately"

"Well if she leaves I leave, done deal"

Perfuma led us inside and showed us around the school. It was a lot different from Bright Moon, maybe cause of all the plants but all the students were also either animal folk or had painted faces.

"I'm sure you heard Perfuma that Horde High is making truces again, and I was wondering if you wanted to team up against them"

"Idk (Y/N) Horde High is very powerful, I heard after our next basketball game the principal is going to talk to my grandmother about the truce"

"What no, I need all of you guys at Bright Moon, Is there any way Horde High wouldn't want to truce?"

I was lost in thought as they went on talking, I missed playing basketball and Bright Moon only offers football for the things I like to do-

"So you're telling me if Plumeria High wins against Horde High he'll call of the whole trying to truce thing"

"Yup, though it would be a miracle to win, all they're players are so good compared to ours"

I saw (Y/N) smile at me and I knew she was just brewing up a plan already for me to get on Perfuma's good side. She's such a smart girl I swear

"I think you forgot something Perfuma"

(Y/N)'s Pov>

"And what would that be (Y/N)?"

"We have a top basketball player with us right now, you said yourself Adora led them to victory, so with her on the team and training people it should be a piece of cake!"

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