pentagon as boyfriends

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pentagon as boyfriends (what type of boyfriend they are)

jinho: I can see jinho as a cute and mature type like he will smile and blush if you suddenly kiss him but also take things slowly if you want to and in public, he would probably hold your hand and maybe kiss you on the cheek for special occasions 

hui:  I think hui would be awkward at first but also understanding and has the best solutions for your problems also he would be clingy and loves like really loves to hold your hand and would internally scream if you held his hand first I can also see him as a big fan of cuddling due to his clingy nature 

hongseok: sweet and funny, he would always make weird and funny faces, cute coffee and lunch dates are a must, can give you a quick kiss out of the blue and watch your tomato face, also he is likely to have a hand around your shoulder 

dawn: cute and supportive, laughs with you, thinks you are the cutest thing in the world, can literally spend the day just staring at you and smiling, you together are just the cutest thing ever.

shinwon: sweet but goofy, you are sure shinwon dated before but there is a reason why his old girlfriend left him . his goofiness but away from that he loves to hug you and is really sweet but he really needs to learn what time is the best to joke and what time is not

yeo one: sweet and flirty, yeo one is really a boyfriend material, you can just be walking on the street and girls are staring or flirting with him, then he would probably kiss you and hug you to show everyone you are his

yanan: cute and tooo shy, you both blush all the time, to start with you are the one that first confessed to him but he kinda surprised you and kissed you right after, but you get along together and sometimes you just spend the night watching a movie together with his head on your lap 

yuto: clingy and cute, he always back hugs you and cling to you and won't let go, he also is a big fan of forehead kisses but was really shy at first, got more comfortable with you after some time though, he also would probably put his hand in your pocket and take walks together in the morning 

kino: one word. baby. he is so cute that you sometimes get jealous of his cuteness although he always insists that you are cuter, he has to put his hand on your shoulder, amusement park dates are his favorite, especially when you go on a scary ride and you keep screaming, after that he will apologize and treat you to something delicious 

wooseok: everyone thinks you are best friends and not really dating because of your playful relationship, for example, if you fall in public he would laugh then ask you if you are ok, you fight on silly things, like what milkshake should you drink, what movie to watch, but overall you love and care for each other 


hope you enjoyed

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and have a nice day or night :) 

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