pentagon reaction to giving them the silent treatment (pt.2)

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pentagon reaction to giving them the silent treatment (pt.2) 

Yanan: you and Yanan were bored from being quarantined for months so you asked him ''do you like dancing'' and he said ''yeah'' so you said ''so should we do a kpop random dance?'' he lazily replied ''i don't know , i am tired'' , but you tried persuading him and said ''come on , it will be fun '' and he finally agreed and you turned on the music and started dancing weirdly and yanan gave you a disgusted face and said ''you dance childishly and weird please stop'' but you annoyingly said ''what is wrong with you yanan , that is rude'' and yanan said ''just stop'' now you were so done with him and said ''I AM DONE WITH YOU YANAN, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU THESE DAYS'' and you left and went to your  room and locked your door, hours later yanan came to your room and gently said ''i am sorry ,it is just i am going crazy from staying in quarantine and to be honset you dance better than me'' you gave him a side eye and looked away and said ''ok...'' but he knew you were still mad and said ''come on lets dance, don't be mad'' and then he did some agyeo to make you laugh then you said ''ok i am not mad ,but you promise to dance ,lets go'', then he said ''ok let's go''

(the next part is more of a misunderstanding than silent treatment)

yuto: you called yuto to ask where he is, he said he was at wooseok's house, another day you needed his help and called him and he said he was at wooseok's house, then when you finally spent time with him,wooseok called him or texted him, you tried ignoring it or mentioning that he spent too much time with wooseok, you didn't mean to be rude or controlling but you just wanted to spend some with him so you tried texting him and said ''i want to go on a date night with you just the two of us'' and he replied and said ''ok, when exactly?'' and you said '' what about today'' and he said ''sorry i can't i am hangging out with the guys'' so you sent him a sad emoji and said '' you always hang out with them ,can't you just cancel today'' and he just replied with ''wish i can but i can't,although i might pass by your house and spent some time later at night , i have to go now'' and ended the chat , you waited all night for him to come but he didn't so the next day you texted him with a serious tone and said ''yuto , is there something you don't want to tell me ,do you  hate spending time with me that much we havn't met in weeks and all your excuses are you are with the guys , i am tired of this '' then you turned your phone off at some point maybe you were exagerating but you were so tiredof it  ,a couple of hours passed by and you heard a knock on your door so you went to open the door and saw yuto panting in front of you and he worieddly asked you ''are you ok , you were offline for hours and i got scared something happened to you after being mad at me '' but you just said ''i am fine , how are your friends ?'' but he just said ''i am talking for real you just sent me a mad text and went offline for hours ,i got scared, ok you have a point i like to spend time with my friends but it is because wooseok is moving to another city and i want to spend time with him before he leaves'' then you finally understood and said ''hey i am sorry i never knew ,you should have told me and i am not mad and sorry for scaring you like that ,you can leave if you want'' but he said ''i am already here so what do you want to do together''

kino: you invited kino to hang with some of your friends at a cafe nearby , everything was good untill one of your male friends wrapped his arm aroound your shoulder and started feeling uncomfortable and looked at kino but he just looked at you weirdly ,when it was time to go home ,kino didn't say anything and the ride to your house was silent and awkward so you finally asked him ''what is wrong'' but he stayed silent even when he reached your house he didn't say bye he just opened the car and you left ,you were confused why did kino act this way ,and why didn't he do anything when the guy wrapped his arm around your shoulder you texted kino and asked him ''seriuolsy what is wrong with you ?'' and he replied with ''so now you are asking what is wrong with me and act like nothing happened '' you were still confused and asked him ''i don't get it what is wrong?'' so he repliedand said ''you just let your guy friend wrap his arm around your shoulder and act like it is nothing ?''  so you sadly replied with ''what are you saying i wqas uncomforable and expected you to tell him to remove his arm or tell him that i am your girlfriend or to leave me alone or something , you act like you are so overprotective but when somthing actually happened you blame it on me ?!'' he was shooked and said ''omg...i thought you liked his arm around your shoulder , i am so sorry for missunderstanding ,i really didn't mean to ,i feel horrible please don't be mad ,i will make it up to you tomorrow'' you replaid with ''fine let's talk about  it tomorrow i am tired now'' and later he showed you that he actually cares for you and that he is not fake 

wooseok: you were in a long-distance relationship with wooseok for about 8 months ,you lived in the same town as him but you were on a scholarship for a year and it was finally ending ,and it was your first time meeting for real, you were so excited and when you finally arrived you went home to organize your stuff and decided to take a walk to refresh because you were so tired of cleaning,as you were walking you saw someone that looked like wooseok you didn't care at first but when that person talked you were sure he was wooseok ,he was walking next to a girl that patted his back and looked too friendly, you became suspious and worried,  was this his actual girlfriend and you were nothing to him you started to became sad as these thoughts filled your mind,later when you went home wooseok said he wanted to meet you at his house and invite you to dinner ,you got ready and went to his house ,obviously you were excited but you were still suspicious ,who is the girl wooseok was walking with?,whne you arrived at his house ,he greeted you with a smile and hugged you ,you kept talking and laughing and everything was fine untill the girl you saw him earlier with came and said ''do you guys need anything?'' you were confused but just said no thank you then you asked wooseok ''sorry but who is she ?'' ,he replied and said ''she is my older sister,forgot to tell you about her ,our parents are on a business trip so she is in charge now'' ,you felt flooded with guilt and embarrassed and it was clear so he worryingly asked you ''is everything ok?'' and you said ''i am sorry, i saw you yesterday with her and though she was your girlfriend '' he looked shooked but said ''it is ok , but there is still  alot you need to learn about me''  


i added the misunderstanding part because i ran out of ideas lol 

hope you enjoyed this reaction 

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and have a nice day or night

also thank you for more than 400 reads i know it is for some people not much but it means so much to me 

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