i am making a new book !

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 hi, I am making a new book, it will be a kino fan fiction, originally this was just an imagine but I thought it would be better to make it a book, I didn't publish it yet, I am not sure when I will, but I will tell you when it is published so to make you a little excited here is a short part in the book 


''minhyuk likes you too, so who do you like ?'' I told her 

''I don't know, kino you are my best friend and the closest guy friend I ever had, let's just forget what you told me now and go back to normal''

''so is that it? my feelings really mean nothing to you ''

''it is just that..''

''just that what?''

''what do you want me to do with the information I have now, maybe I liked you before but you never gave me hints or anything so I just got over it, remember from 2 years in high school, truth or dare ''

''I.. I never knew you liked me''

'' well I don't anymore, this conversation is pointless, let's just stop here''

''it really means nothing to you, nothing at all ?'' 

''kino let's just forget this conversation existed and go back to normal, can we?''

'' you know what.... no, we can't, for years I have liked you and you will just throw my feeling out of the window?

''kino, look''

''No you listen to me, every time you had a problem I helped you, everything was about you, and when I needed something you just ignore it, if I need help you just say I don't know, you always act like you are so nice to everyone while in reality, I am your only real friend maybe the only reason I am always next to you or support you is that I like you and you may ask why I like you, I will say I don't know, I liked you in high school when you were actually likable and now I just try to tell myself that you didn't change, I just lie to myself because I can't believe how fake you have become and now you are just selfish and minhyuk only likes you for your looks, not your personality now tell me was I wrong in what I said right now'' I felt like I couldn't control my mouth, I was shocked at what I said but for some reason, I felt good

''then don't like me, I never forced you to, don't be my friend, I don't need you in my life'' 

and she walked away 

I don't know how I said all that but I won't lie to myself anymore, she is not the person I used to know, maybe what I said made her sad or angry but it is just the truth and the truth hurts sometimes, I was so fed up with this friendship, it was so tiring and toxic, loving her and focusing on her for that long wasn't worth it.

later that day

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, it was a text from minhyuk 

MH: did you talk to (Y/N)?


MH: why?!?! 

                                                KN: can I ask you something first?

MH: what is it?                

                                               KN: why do you like (Y/N)?

MH: her smile is pretty, and she is kinda nice 

                                             KN: you don't even know her enough 

MH: and why does that annoy you?

                                            KN: just so you know, I won't talk to her 

MH: but you said you will , you promised me !

                                           KN: I just said I will see , I didn't promise 

MH: wow thanks for nothing.

                                           KN: anytime ;)

and I closed my phone and slept with no worries for now, who knows what tomorrow holds


so will I complete this imagine and reactions book or will I just leave it? I will probably write a few chapters here, it isn't ending yet don't worry ;)

are you excited for the new book?

then don't forget to follow me to know when it will be released, also it won't be a (Y/N) type of fanfiction,i just didn't choose a name yet soo yeah.

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