*can I help you* Yanan imagine

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it is so loud in here why did I agree to come?, I seriously need to have an opinion

this place is so busy 

everyone is drunk and sweaty, I hate it here 

I will leave, but most of my friends are drunk should I drive them home  

I will stay for a little longer

Yanan thought

he was sitting on his friend's table, while they were dancing and flirting

however, he saw a girl faint, probably because she was too drunk 

this is a bar after all, one of the busiest bars in Itaewon, where most couples meet

then he looked around to check if someone knows the girl or cares about her

 but there were too many people dancing and couples making out so no one cared, everyone was busy with their thing

she fell close to his table so it was really awkward for him

30 minutes have passed by, and she was still on the floor

he looked at his friends and there was someone who was still sober, so he and that friend ordered a taxi for the rest 

then they both went different ways but before Yanan got in his car, he thought about this girl

should he help her?

should he do something?

so he went inside the bar again to check if she was still there 

there were fewer people than before but she was still passed out on the floor 

he didn't want to leave this poor girl alone 

he wanted to do something

so he carried her and put her in the back seat of his car, she was really skinny and short so carrying her wasn't hard, then he drove to his small apartment

but while driving he wasn't too sure 

was it right to bring her to his house?

what if she is a serial killer?

he felt scared, he is bringing a girl to his apartment where he lives alone, a girl he never met before and has zero information about 

he wasn't too sure what was right or wrong but there was nothing to do about it now

they have already arrived

he carried her, opened the door then put her on the couch, he noticed her beautiful eyes and her short hair

she is beautiful

 he thought to himself

he put a water bottle next to her in case she got thirsty when she woke up, then opened the window because it was too hot

about 6 or 7 hours later he heard a scream and knew she woke up 

he hurried to the living room and as he expected she was scared, he told her what happened last night and that she passed out in a bar and that he had no intention in harming her or doing anything to her

but the girl felt pathetic and started crying, she thought no one will ever care about her 

he didn't want to get into something non of his business but he couldn't help but ask her what happened but he first asked about her name and when she answered, he thought it was a really beautiful name

then he asked her what happened, and why did she end up like this

she told him she got dumped by her boyfriend 

''he told me, at first I loved you but the more I got closer to your best friend the more I knew who was worth the love, and told me that they have been dating for more than a month now'' she told him ''so I went to the nearest bar and kept drinking to forget I ever dated that horrible person and that I ever trusted my so-called best friend, I wanted to erase that part from my life but I just passed out and here I am''

then an awkward silence took over, Yanan didn't know what to say, But he felt bad, he felt that she deserved better and it was clear from his eyes that he felt bad for her 

the girl felt like she wanted to do something for Yanan to return the favor, so she left her number and said ''if there is a way I can pay you back tell me, and thank you so much'' and headed toward the door but he stopped her and said'' I want to be your friend, I feel like you need it''

but she said ''I am sorry, I don't think I will be able to trust anyone anymore'' and told him that she was ok and that she just wanted to leave but it was clear she wasn't it was clear that she looked sick with dark eye bags from crying too much but he insisted that she stayed for a little bit and she said ok

so he made her hangover soup and gave her some water 

then offered to drive her home or wherever she wanted to go but she just took the bus, at least Yanan has her phone number, he felt like she is more than just a broken heart, and she is a person worth knowing


requested by 0honeycoves0

I  never wrote anything in 3rd person so I hope this was good 

and thank youuuuu so much for 1.2k reads, it made me so happy that someone reads the shit I write 

love you all 

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