pentagon reaction to giving them the silent treatment (pt.1)

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pentagon reaction to giving them the silent treatment (pt.1)

jinho: it was a normal day, jinho was chilling on the couch until you called him to come help you with cleaning the house but he just argued and said he wanted to rest and that it is not that important, and after you were done cleaning alone he asked you if you wanted him to do something , you just ignored him and left, he looked confused and followed you and asked you what was wrong but you still ignored him , 3 hours passed without you talking to him and he was really pissed off, he asked one last time ''what is wrong with you? , why aren't you answering me ?'' you answered him with ''I asked you to come help me but you just ignored me and you don't do any chores when I tell you, I am so tired of it, maybe living together was too early'',jinho looked surprised but calmly said ''look, I am sorry I don't do chores, I promise you I will help you out, it was just today I was very tired, but you should have just told me not give me the silent treatment'' then you said ''you have a point but you promised to help me '' he said ''and I will do so don't worry''

hui: you decided to go on a date with hui , you both were very busy with work and couldn't meet often , but you arranged with him the date , when you arrived to the cafe you were supposed to meet , you didn't see hui but you just thought must be traffic or something , 2 hours of sitting alone in the cafe , it was getting cold and dark and you couldn't wait anymore and left , hui arrived to the cafe 20 minutes after you left and knew he was wrong for not telling you he had important work to finish or calling you to tell you to cancel the date and that he couldn't make it , he went home and saw you getting ready for bed he said ''  I am sorry for not showing up , I had important-'' but you cut him off and said '' I don't care anymore'' and went to sleep leaving him in a very awkward state , he tried to sleep but couldn't and checked to see if you are sleeping but you weren't so he softly called your name , no answer , he felt bad and wanted to apologize , so he called your name louder , so you turned to face him and opened your eyes he then said'' you couldn't sleep , could you?'' but still no answer he sighed and sat next to you and told you ''i know you are mad and I am sorry for not calling to tell you I couldn't make it'' you just answered ''i was so mad, I waited for 2 hours long '' he the said angin''i know you are mad at me but I am sorry I can't sleep if you are mad at me'' you then responded ''fine but lets cuddle a little, I miss you''

hongseok: you yelled from across the kitchen '' hey hongseok , did you see the last pizza slice'' hongseok the responded'' oh, I ate it , good luck next time '' and you just yelled at him again ''i told you that i want it why did you eat it !?'' hongseok just responded with ''hey calm down , it is not a big deal'' but you yelled at him again and said ''this is not the first time , everytime i tell you not to do something , you do it and ignore my words , I am tried of it'' , hongseok started to get annoyed and said ''why do you have to make a big deal out of everything , stop it'' , now you were a lot more angry and said ''I MAKE A BIG DEAL OUT OF EVERYTHINg, YOU JUST NEVER LISTEN TO ME'' , but hongseok coldly said ''then move out if you hate it so much in here'', and you said ''maybe I will'' and went to the bedroom and stayed in there for hours , hongseok started getting worried about you and went to the room and knocked on the door and entered and saw you sitting on the bed and staring at the ceiling then he asked you ''are you mad'' but you didn't answer him , he asked you again'' maybe it is true that I don't listen to you much but for real , I just forget , and I didn't mean it when I said to move out'' , so you finally replyed ''i know you didn't mean it , and i am sorry i got angry earlier'' he said ''it is fine'' and hugged you 

shinwon: shinwon was tired , you dragged him to the mall with you, he was ok at first, but you have been going from store to store for the past 3 hours, trying on clothes, and he was really tired, he hopelessly said ''can't we go home now, I am hungry'', and you just told him ''this is the last store-'' he interrupted you and said ''uh finally'' but you said ''then we will go eat and continue, come on I only bought 3 stuff'' he just sighed and said ''fine..'', you both went to the store and you tried on an outfit and showed shinwon, he didn't look impressed and said ''to be honest , it doesn't really suit you..'', you looked sad and said ''really? but I really like it'', he tiredly said ''do what you want, but I personally don't really like it..or no just don't buy it, now can we get out of here'' you were annoyed and angrily said ''thanks shinwon'',you changed and you came out of the dressing room and told him ''let's go home'', he happily said ''yay'', both of you got into the car and the ride was really silent and was starting to get awkward so shinwon said ''what is wrong'' but you just ignored him when you two got home you just quietly ate some leftovers and shinwon said ''we could have eaten at the mall....and why did you want to leave all of a sudden'' but still no reply , shinwon did the dishes and tried to get you to talk but you didn't, now shinwon was really annoyed and said ''seriously , what is wrong with you why are you ignoring it because i said you didn't look good in that last outfit at the mall? way is it?'' , you finally spoke and said ''yes it is, idiot..'' , he confusingly  said ''but why ?'' and you said ''because you said it  in disgust and i clearly liked it'' then he said ''then why didn't you buy it i am just saying my opinion because you asked me and i was so hungry and wanted to go home , so that is why i was acting like that , now quit that silent treatment it is weird'' you sighed and said ''fine , i am sorry i got angry for apparently no reason'' 

yeo one: yeo one was invited to one of his old friends birthday party, he was willing to go and you tagged along, 'if I am being honest yeo one has a lot of friends, how did I end up with someone so popular, he also has a lot of female friends' you thought to yourself , yeo one was really focused on his friends and you were kinda lost since you didn't know anyone ,until you saw from a distance yeo one getting too close with one of his female friends, hugging her and she even kissed him on the cheek ,you couldn't take this anymore ,you wanted to leave and get out of this place, so you passed next to him and went to the front door , he saw you and went after you and asked ''where are you going ?'' and you answered ''i am leaving, i hate it here'' but he just told you ''well i am staying, you can go ,but i really want to''  so you said to him ''ok stay with your friends ,i am just going ,don't forget to kiss as many girls as you want '' ,he got confused and said ''what are you talking about'' but you said ''you know what i mean'' and left ,through out the whole party he counldn't focus he didn't understand why you were annoyed  ,he left the party before it finished ,he didn't go staright to his house , he went to yours first ,he knocked on the door and you opened but as soon as you saw his face you frowned a little ,he came in and tried talking to you and understanding what you meant in the  party but you kept ignoring him ,then at last he said ''no way? are you jealous because I hugged my best friend, I have known her since I was 11, and I didn't kiss her, she just turned to face someone else, did it look like I was kissing her ? he finally replied and said ''so you didn't kiss her?'' then he said ''no, I didn't, I didn't know you get jealous'' then you said ''sorry for miss accusing you and making a fuss about it but still, can you not hug her?'' he laughed and said ''it is ok, whatever you say'' 


this took sooo much time, and after I wrote this I realized how controlling (Y/N) was soooooo yeah  

hope you enjoyed this reaction, part 2 coming soon 

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and have a nice day or night 

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