Chapter 6: If I Cut My Hair Hawaii Will Sink

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  Song: "If I Cut My Hair Hawaii Will Sink" by Chiodos

No picture this time. No new characters for a while. :p But things are going to get A LOT more intense here soon. Don't forget to become a fan and rate. <3


           “Ryder Starre.” The man smiled softly.

            Oliver’s mouth dropped as he stood there in utter shock trying to wrap his head around what was going on.

            Ryder’s brow arched. “You okay?”

            “Ryder Starre?” Oliver repeated.            

            “Yeah. . .?”

            “You don’t recognize me?”  Oliver scoffed.

            Ryder laughed. “Kid, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that from a guy-“

            Oliver squinted his eyes. “Oliver Hill.”

            Ryder’s expression suddenly dropped as he looked the small boy up and down with a puzzled look.

            “What?” Oliver asked a little confused himself.       

            “Ollie-boo?” Ryder smirked softly.

            Oliver cringed at the mention of his old childhood nickname. “What have I told you bout calling me that?!”

            “Sorry but I gave it to you when we were five and it’s not going to change, Buddy.” Ryder scoffed with a smile ruffling the boy’s hair.

   “Well I’ve grown up since then. So it’s Oliver now.” Oliver chuckled a little pushing Ryder’s hand away.

            Ryder glanced up and down at Oliver. “Well you haven’t grown up much but whatever you say, Ollie-boo.”

            “Gah, you’re such a four year old.” He said rolling his eyes. “So what are you doing here? I thought you went off to some big music collage in Memphis or something like that.”

            “It was L.A.” Ryder corrected. “And I did, but I was playing at an open mic. at work and some guy wanted to sign me.”

            “Wait you were randomly playing in some place and got signed like that?” Oliver arched a brow a little skeptical his long lost child hood friend’s story.

            Ryder shook his head chuckling softly. “No, not exactly like that, but that’s the short version.”

            “Okay, so why are you here anyways?” Oliver asked walking past Ryder and towards his house once again as his friend followed.

            “Well, I have a little concert tonight and it’s close to here so I wanted to come by and see how you were doing?”

            “Well I’m doing awesome,” Oliver lied. “So you can go along and skip off to your luxurious life with all your groupies and such and leave me like you did last time.”

            Ryder looked at his little friend oddly, a little confused, as Oliver marched forward. Ryder jogged to catch up to him, and didn’t even receive any eye contact.

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