Chapter 7: into the stranger's home.

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It's night now. They tell me to have a shower and james gives me an oversized shirt which can cover me till my knees, it has red n black checks on it. There are plenty of rooms here and shower's working just fine. I wonder how did they make it happen. And the water's warm, i had a long nice shower and has come downstairs after an hour or so.
              I can see a big dining table with lots of food in it. I don't know if they eat like this everyday or it's just for me. They got bread too! It's been years since I had bread. Its odd how they both keep staring at me.
We all sit and I can see James praying but not Micheal. I pray too and start eating silently. Then Micheal passes me some food, I can see shrimp in it so I refuse it by saying I'm allergic to prawns and shrimps (I really am). He smirked and said ''Good to know, Ma'lady'' .He seems sweet but I should not forget the fact that they abducted me and can do anything with me. What if they wanna eat me- a wild thought come across my mind. I probably shouldn't overthink right now and just eat. We all finish our dinner and Micheal starts to clean the table. I don't want to be rude, so I thank them for the dinner which is incredible by the way, I add. James smiles and says "your welcome angel, I was a souschef in the town restaurant back in the day". I thought of helping them by cleaning the dishes but I'm still kidnapped by them, So I should be angry and mean to them I thought.
I go to the room that they've given me. Micheal comes along with me. As I walk in, I see a peach coloured-thin strapped night gown which is too short and there's also a robe, big enough to cover the whole body; laying on the table. He says "  your ass looks h

ella fine in this shirt but I'm afraid I'm gonna ask you to give it back to me and wear the dress that I've kept here, It's silk. This shirt is my favourite one and has a special sentimental value" he adds. I laugh and say " I think this is for the grown ups and it's appropriate to call it as lingerie". He says " whatever, just give the stupid shirt back already or I'm gonna strip you myself". I think I know where this is going, but no matter how small the lingerie is, the robe is there to cover myself up right! Hence I go inside and change into the dress, give back his shirt and tells him to go away. He stares at me and warns me about not trying to have any idiotic ideas about leaving this place at night. He also says that if I do that, then he'd find me and kill me with his own hands. Then he wishes me to have a good night in weird tone. I ignore it, close the doors and check out the room. It has big windows with big curtains. It's sure is a palace, wish my journal was here. The bed's exactly in the middle of the room with repellent net beautiful wrapped around it. There are pillows; pluffy and white, a lot of 'em. I really don't feel like I should run away from here. Obviously not because of Michael's strict warning, i know that he was just trying to be intense and all scary before me.
I don't want to escape  cause I don't have any place other than my home and they already know where I live. Technically I got no any other place to escape to, also this kinda feels exciting. Not safe of course but definitely is different from any other day. It's not like they gonna hurt me and kill me. I can tell that they are  just pretending to be rude and don't mean any of it. Cause in a way they are taking care of me. Besides the flirting and staring, they are being sweet to me.
Only question is why would they wanna grab me from my home, bring and keep me here. Unless they've got some ulterior motives. At this point I  can't tell what their intentions are.
I didn't have the time to think about their appearances earlier today but they both are very Charming, a bit villan-ish type. Micheal is 6foot and above tall with broad shoulders ,hence I wasn't able to escape from his arms. He's got blue eyes and ginger coloured hair. He's clean shaved, must be in his early 30's. he seems russian, I can tell that by his accent which he tries to cover but his english is not bad. Where as James is, I guess only 6foot tall wit blue eyes and black hair. He has heavy ginger beard, I think without it he'd look soft as a baby. He probably in his late 20's with perfect British accent. Both must workout really hard cause they are fit, have biceps and definitely a six pack under their fit shirts. In a way they are hot. What if they are lovers- I wonder. I should not be thinking of such non sense. Since past year I'm having a lot of these thoughts. Usually I just read Bible whenever I think of such stuff. And sometimes of course I touch myself. But this is not the place to do anything.
It's almost 9:30 in the clock. let's just try and get some sleep. It was a big day with lot of twists and turns.

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