First Shadow Mission, Y/N.

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The last time you remember being at any Shadow Base was when you went to take the Intel with Midas. And now you're going to take that Intel back. Which will be awkward if you bump into Midas.

You reach the Grotto and Brutus is there to greet you. He hands you over a Shadow Suit, the black blazer etc, and you hide in a room to change, before walking back out to him, your hand stroking your h/c hair.

"I need you to get that intel back. The one YOU stole." Brutus says. You look embarrassed and nervous. You have no idea where Skye put it. You sigh. "I'll get two of my trusty henchmen to go with you. Elliot, Oliver, come introduce yourself. Two men holding helmets walk up to you. And Elliot moves back. "Yo ain't he ghost? I swear I shot his ba-" he pauses and Brutus cuts over him. "He's switched to Shadow. I have no clue why, but anywho, you two this is Y/N. I need you to go to the Agency to steal the Intel. Understood?." You all nod. Oliver puts his helmet on whereas Elliot starts walking off with you.

"So why'd you switch man?" Elliot asks. You roll your eyes and sigh. "Stuff happened between Midas and i just want revenge." You explain what happened and his face drops. "Damn man that sounds horrible. Im sorry for shooting you that time too." He looks at you and you shake your head. "It's fine honesty."

You all reach the agency and Elliot puts his helmet on. "Oliver you go that way, I go this way, and Y/N check offices, you know your way around pretty well. You nod and run off inside of the agency.

You walk upstairs to where your old office is. It still has your name on it. You open it, and its empty. You look around and find a vent. You knock it open and crawl through until you find the end. And it lead to Midas' office. And there he is, in his chair. And you can see the intel in the corner. You left the guns with Elliot and Oliver so you're in a mess.

You slowly open the vent and take the door off it. You jump down silently past Midas. You go behind him and whack him across the head with the vent door to knock him out. And you run and pick up the Intel before running out of the office. Midas chases after you. "CRAP I THOUGHT I KNOCKED HIM OUT, ELI, OLI COME HERE RIGHT NOW." You shout.

You run out the Agency and chuck the intel at Elliot and he runs off. Oliver stays with you and Midas catches up with you and sees who you actually are.

"Y/N..?" He says in an upset tone. You roll your eyes. "You switched? How could you?" You laugh and 🖕 at him. "Its your fault, cheat." Oliver laughs with you and you both run off, and Midas is stood there in shock.

You meet back with Elliot, with Brutus holding the Intel. "Good job you 3." You smile, "there's a chance Midas might come back-" you say. Brutus nods, "thats understandable. Just stay on watch will you?"

You, Oliver, and Elliot and all the other henchmen stay outside, protecting the intel.

Little do you know,

Midas is coming back.

But has already replaced you.

This is carried on in the next chapter:)

That One Gay Agent (Midas x Reader🏳️‍🌈) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now