ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕠

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"You probably won't be able to play this season at all. Maybe next season if you get enough rest and time to heal you will be back in the game stronger than ever!"

My doctor tried her best to cheer me up, but the invisible knife in my chest only sinks in deeper with each breath.

I was able to walk without a crutch, but the giant cast on my leg made it more of a limp than a walk. Emica and Captain Hatake were nowhere in sight, but I assume they are avoiding me so they don't have to hear me plead to come back.

I walk past the boy's volleyball gym and decide to go in. The girl's won't even let me come in and volleyball is volleyball no matter the gender.

As soon as I come in, I meet eyes with Coach Nekomata. He looks down at my leg and motions me towards him.

"I was planning on going to the girl's gym later to see what I had heard about the ace getting injured. That was you I assume?" His words earned a grave nod from me.

"We need a team manager. Coach Naoi is no longer with us, so I am going to need more help. If you cannot participate in the season, I would at least hope you'd want to participate in some kind of volleyball related activity. You're only a second year, right?"

I thought for a minute before turning to the team of boys. They were running a mock game and I had turned just in time to see the ball soar over the net and get shock back down to the side it was just hit from by a rather tall dark-haired boy.

I turn back to the coach and nod, "I would really like to manage your team, sir. If you will have me, I will do my best." He and I kept eye contact before he blew his whistle to call the team over.

Everyone crowded us in an instant, but no one looked at me directly. Everyone was staring at my leg. Coach Nekomata cleared his throat making their eyes actually meet mine and his.

"I have found us a new manager for the team. This is Y/L/N Y/F/N, please make her feel comfortable. She is the girl's team former ace after all."

The word 'former' stung harder than the stares my leg got did. Everyone bowed to me, but I didn't return it. When Coach Nekomata was called away by our principal, the boys once against focused on me and my stupid leg.

"Now boys, go practice your serves. Kai, make sure Kenma actually practices." A large boy with bed head and narrow eyes shooed the team away. He stayed behind and looked me in the eyes. He was the only one from the team that hasn't once glanced down at my greatest embarrassment: my leg.

"I am Tetsurou Kuroo. I am the captain here. We have been having trouble with the first years because they don't really respond well to the way Coach does things. Maybe you can help us?" He held his hand out to me with a smirk that made him look like he was up to something.

I took his hand hesitantly to shake it and he took me over to introduce me to everyone.

Before I knew it, I was in the midst of things as if I had been there the whole time. The only problem I really ran into was with Lev.

I was roughly 5'11. I was pretty above average at the girl's team, but here I was a midget. This boy was well into six feet, but his blocking could use work.

"Haiba! You have to stiffen your-" As I reached up to grab his wrist while his arms were in a blocking position, I realized I could not reach them. Snickers could be heard from around the gym before I looked back at them.

The Captain's Choice// Kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now