ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪

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I had this book planned out since chapter one, and this was planned to be the last chapter. However, I strayed from my original plan too much by putting in a filler problem, so I predict maybe five more until this book is over. Looking back now, I am actually evil for the way this book ends. 


"I call that one the Watanabe." 


The voice of the other setter was cut off by the screams and cheers from our team and the ones who came to watch us play. Kuroo rushed towards Takagi and grinned hitting him on his back, "You are one crazy guy!" 

Takagi shook his head and looked over at me who approached him slower, "It's for him. I'd like to make it my signature move." 

I frown, "Do you like breaking your nose every single game?" 

"No, he hit it with his forehead." Kenma pointed out quietly. 

"Then wh-" I turned and inspected the blood on Takagi's face. Takagi pulled a small package that was busted and red out of his nose and smiled. 

"I just wanted to make it look as much like how he did it as possible." He pulled a tissue from his pocket as if he'd planned to bleed, which I guess he did, and wiped his fake blood before it dripped onto his uniform. 

"Crazy indeed." I agreed with Kuroo and turned away to get things ready to leave. 


"Hey, are you okay? You were quiet the whole time we were eating?" Kuroo asked squeezing my hand in his as we walked back after eating with the team. 

"Yeah, I just can't believe that Bass has gotten his accidental move to become a signature move now. Takagi is going to make history with that move." 

Kuroo laughed, "And he's going to get bloody doing it." 

I leaned my head on Kuroo's shoulder slowing our pace, "Maybe things will be alright now?" 

He slid his hand out of mine and put it around me instead, "I knew it would be from the beginning as long as I had you." 

A siren from behind me cut off anything I'd planned on saying. Kuroo and I moved aside for it and watched it speed away and stop at our house. 

"Fuck. Kiba." I force my leg into a sprint and wince at the pain it brought me, but didn't stop. 

Kuroo ran faster past me and into the house before I'd made it to the gate. I forced my way past the EMTs who'd shown up and gasped at Kuroo who was holding Kiba tightly in his arms on the floor. 

Kiba sobbed uncontrollably into Kuroo's arms making me sigh in relief that it wasn't Kiba who was being carted off. 

"He called and told us someone was hurt and we need to hurry. Does anyone else live here?" He looked around for someone else that may need his help. 

Kuroo called me quietly and put my brother in his arms then pat me on the head as he got up to talk to the EMT. I held my brother and let him sob without a question to why. 

Kuroo had sent the ambulance away and came to collect my brother from the floor, "Let's go get in bed okay buddy?" 

I followed them up the stairs and let Kuroo tuck him in. Kuroo brushed Kiba's bangs out of his face and told him goodnight. He took me by my arm and all but drug me down the steps. 

"What is it?" I whispered upset. 

He calmly picked up Kiba's jacket that'd been laying on the floor revealing the dog. Only a year and some change old, it lay there not breathing. 

I gasped and covered my mouth with tears in my eyes. My mind drew parallels to the body that once held my hand in the hospital. I turned away and shook with fear until I fell to my knees and crouched to the floor fighting the urge to vomit. 

Kuroo picked the dog from the ground and calmly walked to the back yard. I hugged myself tight on the floor. Everyone and everything was dying. Was I being punished by some god? 

"Y/n." I didn't even realize he'd come back. 

I let him pick me up into his arms as he'd done Kiba, "You aren't crying over the dog, are you?" 

I held onto him and lowered my head so he didn't have to see me in this state, "That's the second one to die around me. What if all of you are next?" 

He growled forcing my eyes to look up at him, "Don't say that. That's completely stupid and I don't want to hear it again." 


"But nothing. Let's go to bed before you start calling butterflies tables and yourself an antelope." I let him carry me to the room and run a bath. 

He stripped in front of me. I didn't even bother to look away; I sniffled my tears away and began undressing myself. 

He took my hand and led me into the shower climbing into the bath and then pulling me into his chest splashing water on my hair with the shower cup. 

I relaxed against him enjoying the way his fingertips brushed my skin and the warmth of the water as well as his body. 


"Hmm," He put soap in his hands and scrubbed my head. 

"Do you think I can be happy here with you like this forever?" 

He didn't respond right away. He waited until he'd gotten the soap out of my hair and was now working the sponge around my body. 

"Well, Kiba will be gone to college soon, so not exactly like this." 

I roll my eyes, "You know what I mean." 

He smiles and fights the smile off his face to be serious, "I do. I think we are destined to be together happy just like this." 

I nod and bite my lip thinking about the future. He pushes me from his chest to kiss me, "Don't bite your lip I need those." 

"Bite it for me." I whisper and run my hand up his chest. 

His eyes widen, "Are you sure about that?" 

I push myself onto his lap and grind down against him making him let out a small hum in pleasure, "I'm completely sure." 

He grinned wickedly, "As you wish baby girl." 


short chapter~ i'm proud of myself for writing something so short, but i did double update today so maybe i'm just burned out or something. 

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