ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖

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"Wow! It is nice here!" Tendou remarked towards me shaking my hand roughly.

"Th-thanks, I guess?" I was unsure on how to act around this team, but my uncertainty got worse when Ushijima come up behind Tendou and shook my hand as well, "Remember our offer during this game. I want you to watch us play."

I completely ignored him and walked away towards my own team. I noticed Tetsurou being quieter and more observant and I smiled at him. I am glad he is analyzing his enemies. We both know we will win.

"Alright, I hope you guys memorized what I gave you. I want you to play like this is the nationals! No holding back!" I shouted and the starters ran onto the court.

The match was not going well.

Kenma had begun to sweat from the effort, and I know Tendou had knocked him off of his game. Kuroo could only handle so much with his inexperienced blockers when Ushijima smakced the ball as hard as he could.

I called a time. They barely could muster up a run towards me, but I was not having that.

"Are you seriously going to let a couple of boys run you over? WE are NEKOMA. We do not lose! Lev, your wrists! Tetsurou, he is predictable all you need to do is watch-"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go play!" Kuroo cut me off and stunned the whole team.

They ran back on and I sat down in stunned embarrassment. What has gotten into him?

We lost both sets. The second set was worse than the first one. My team could barely hold their heads up and that angered me more. I was met at my bench by Ushijima who seemed to hold a confident aura about him, "Have you made your decision yet?" He asked with his arms folded.

"There was no decision to make." I looked up at him utilizing all the strength I could to stand up and face him, "I will never abandon my team."

"Cheap talk from someone who has already gotten their manager to call our school and get herself a job." Tendou grinned. Ushijima showed the first expression I have ever seen: shock.

"Really? You're joining us, Y/n?" He got closer and more excited every passing minute.

I was dumbfounded. I am the manager and the coach. Who could have called them?

"What proof do you even have?" I counter Tendou who laughed and handed me a paper stating I had a job at Shiratorizawa starting tomorrow.

"Is this true, Y/n?"

I turned around to my entire team with heartbreak written all over their faces. Except one, Tetsurou, he glared at me harshly.

"No! This isn't! Someone must've mixed something up!" I defended myself in vain.

Lev nodded and turned away from me with his bag. He and a few others walked away out of the gym. Kenma and Kuroo were left staring at me.

Kenma shook his head and left. Kuroo couldn't even look at me.

"Tetsurou, please! I didn't do this I swear!"

"Shut up Y/n." His voice was quivering, "I saw you on the phone this morning. Your little friend, Emica, even told me your plans to transfer. She even told me about your little affair with their ace." His voice cracked hard.

The Captain's Choice// Kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now