ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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"Wow! Why did you get us a house like this?" Kiba asked in awe as soon as the front door was swung open for the first time.

It was a big house; huge compared to our old little apartment. The front door revealed a hallway with openings and stairs at the very end. The kitchen and living room were across from each other in the hall, and the dining room was past the kitchen.

"All of the bedrooms are upstairs like the old house," My mother explained. "There's four though. One more than the last house. Your father and I made the agreement to give you a nice house as an apology for what we are putting you through."

Kuroo dropped my bag in the house and I dropped the ones I was carrying where he did. I had forced him to tag along with me in case I needed a cheer up, but this house did it by itself.

"Go pick your rooms kids. We have to leave very soon to catch our flights." My mother hugged me and then Kiba kissing him on the forehead. She pat Kiba's puppy's head then walked out of the house leaving my grandma to do the same.

After she said her goodbyes, she put her hand on Kuroo's shoulder, "Take care of my granddaughter, young man. She may seem like she can handle anything you throw at her, but she's a lot more sensitive than she lets on." Kuroo nodded with a smile.

After the door was pulled shut leaving us in the hollow house with a truck full of things outside, Kiba yelled loudly, "I am going to pick my room first! Come on, Akamaru!" He scampered up the stairs quickly.


We got the furniture where it needed to be, but since it was already late, we left the decorations and non-essentials in the boxes for tomorrow. Kuroo stood up from the couch where we all three were finishing the movie we put in, "I think I should get home." He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Why can't you stay? You've stayed before!" Kiba complained making me smile.

"The king says you have to stay, Tetsurou." He grinned at my brother and ruffled his hair, "We have school tomorrow kid."

I walked him to the door after we put Kiba to bed together and hugged him tightly knocking him off balance. He hugged me back petting me softly, "Are you okay?"

I nodded keeping my head buried in his chest, "I couldn't be better with someone like you." He chuckled and kissed my head.

I moved to face him and he leaned down putting a soft kiss on my lips. I remembered what happened this morning and blushed, but kissed him again so he couldn't see it. He caressed my face keeping the kiss light before pulling away.

"I want to take you on a proper date soon." He grabbed his coat from by the door.

"Oh, yeah? When?" I fought the grin that was slowly finding its way on my face.

"Tomorrow. We can shorten the practice for the boys to go early."

I crossed my arms and shook my head, "No, we need that practice. Don't forget our responsibilities."

"Yes, yes I know," He groaned, "Listen, I'll find a time to go. You just keep your schedule open and wait for me." He smirked as he walked out of the house.

"Like that'll happen." I closed the door on him.


"I am so sorry! Please let me see her! I swear, I just want to talk to her!" Emica begged loudly.

I hadn't even made it in the school gates yet. In fact, I had been three steps away from making it in, but of course my life never works that smoothly.

"Y/n does not need you and your toxic siding with your brother!" Lev crossed his arms. He stood alongside Kenma, who was looking at his game, Yaku, who was only there because I was giving him Kuroo's notes that I was asked to pass to him, and Yamamoto, who has been hitting on me enough for me to call him by his first name, but I won't give him the pleasure of that. They formed a wall between Emica and I, who just wanted to get to practice.

"I even brought her someone's number! Someone important! It can be a practice match for you guys!" She held the piece of paper up high, but Lev easily got it from her letting it fly over to me.

I caught it and analyzed the unfamiliar number, "Wow, thanks Aimoto." I used her last name making her whine.

"Come on! We're best friends!" I ignored anything else she said as I walked into the school about to call the number.

"Hello?" A familiar voice on the other end picked up and I knew right away.

"Ushijima?" I asked in disbelief.

"Y/n? I told you to call me Ushiwaka. It's more friendly." I heard another voice in the background asking who he was on the phone with.

"Why was I given your number for a practice match?" I ask angrily.

"I am not sure- Tendou, you can't talk to her. Sorry, Y/n, but this is not a good time. I will call you later but-" The phone obviously switched hands.

"Who is this calling our godly ace so early in the morning?" A rather comic and loud voice was there now and I assumed it was Tendou from what Ushijima previously said.

"Who is this?" I asked anyway.

"It is I! Satoori Tendou! And I am the guess monster of Shiratorizawa!" I could almost hear the pomp and circumstance that came with his boisterous words.

"O-okay, but I need to speak to someone in charge so we can schedule a practice match." The phone switched again after a moment of struggle.

"How does today sound?" Ushijima was back on the phone.

"To-today? That's a little soon!"

"I will see you there after school. Please consider coming back with us as our coach. Goodbye now." The phone hung up quickly leaving me speechless.

I sprinted into the gym and smacked open the doors blowing my whistle hard catching everyone's attention. Tetsurou jogged up to me worriedly, but I pushed past him angrily.

"Shiratorizawa is coming here today! I want you boys working double time right now! Think of nothing but kicking their ass!" I earned shouting even louder than mine. I had succeeded in a moral boost.

After the actual practice, I sat them down and showed them everything I had learned from my talk with Ushijima during the Spring matches. After they were given papers printed at the last minute, we were dismissed to go to class. I hadn't even noticed a certain tag along until I whipped around to see her talking to Tetsurou.

As I approached her angrily, the late bell rang. Shit.


I am off my game today.. it iz what it iz

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