𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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"We brought food." Nobuyuki held the bag up weakly with a smile. I scanned the boys' saddened faces until I landed upon the one I was looking for. Kuroo was in the back among the boys hugging himself and sniffling quietly.

I held the door open without a word to let them in keeping my eyes on the floor. We sat in my living room with an intense silence among us until Yamamoto stood straight up with is eyes shut tightly, "This was not your fault coach! We were just not ready, but next year we will be! Please do not shut us out!"

He shocked me. I just looked at him wide eyed before quickly looking at Yaku who has now stood up and joined him, "The girl from before was asking for help talking to me! Our captain is innocent! Please forgive him!"


I looked at Kuroo through the corner of my eye and saw him looking at me with a pleading expression, so I met his eyes making him jump with hope, "Is this true?" 

"Yes! It is! I am so sorry." He bowed as he sat there. 

I got up and waited until he sat back up before tackling him on my couch wrapping my arms around him, "Thank god! I thought I was going to have to lose you!" I cried with tears going down my face. I moved off of him and held my arms out continuing to cry, "All of you come here!" 

They all bombarded me with hugs and we had all started crying. It felt so warm and easy to be comforted by everyone. 

"Shut up, oh my gosh! It's like having a pack of wolves in a full moon down here!" Kiba complained from halfway down the steps, "Don't make me get the broom again!" 

Kuroo tensed probably from the flashbacks, "Guys, let's be quieter." 

The boys moved to sit back down. I turned the tv on and we relaxed in the eased tension to watch it. Tetsurou poked my shoulder gently to get my attention. He had a blush and his glance was cast to the side, "Can I stay here tonight?" 

"What about your family?" I asked him with a small smile. 

"They'll be fine. I really want to make sure you're feeling better." He still didn't meet my eyes, so I put my hand on his face and kissed him softly, "Of course you can my captain." 

The nickname tensed him. He blushed hard and moved away from me, but I wasn't letting him get away that easily. I moved on his lap and squirmed to get comfortable making him inhale sharply. 

The time passed with me moving sometimes and quietly running my hand under his shirt towards his waist band. He seemed to be suffering at this point. 

"It's time we get going now. You're staying here?" Nobuyuki asked Tetsurou who nodded. 

I jumped off of him with a small glance at the bulge I had given him before walking the other boys out. Yaku winked at me before I closed the door. He was sitting the closest so I guess he noticed my teasing. 

As soon as the door was shut I heard a shaky breath as his hands wrapped around me from behind. He pressed himself against me and allowed one hand to go up my shirt while the other found itself wrapped around my throat. I moved into his touch and let him move my head to kiss him. 

He growled and picked me up, "Where do you want to go?" He asked roughly and I pointed to the stairs towards my room. 

He carried me up there while I kissed his neck and left a mark he couldn't cover up. He threw me onto his bed and smirked taking his shirt off, "Anytime you want to stop-" 

The Captain's Choice// Kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now