Bardock x injured pregnant Saiyan reader

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Description: Being Bardock's sister is hard work especially after being attacked and your big brother coming to your rescue.

Bardock's PoV

I growled staring at the burning building as the police held me back. I struggled even more and snarled out "let me go my sisters in there!"

They didn't listen and I growled again. My worry and fear starting to get the better of me.

Suddenly a scream echoed through the streets. 

I gasped pushing the officers off me and roared before taking off into the screams direction "Y/N!"

When I got closer to the building I looked around frantically for any sign of her. 

I flinched as another scream rang out I ran into the building and followed the screams echoes.

 Seeing my sisters door I ripped it apart and ran into the apartment.

No-ones Pov

You coughed as smoke filled the air and you held your bulging stomach protectively.

Hearing a roar your head shot into its direction "BARDOCK!" You screamed and you heard a loud bang before your door went flying.

Looking up you saw Bardock standing there with wide panicked eyes and he tanto you "y/n! You ok?!" 

You smiled weakly "I'm fine big bro just my leg that's hurt" he grunted lifting the beam off your leg and held you bridle style.

"Hold on!" You nodded and held onto him as he dashed out the window and floated down as he held you protectively.

You opened your e/c eyes and sighed softly hugging Bardock as he chuckled "thanks bro" you yawned and he smiled faintly. 

Carrying you to the medical bay he gently laid you on the bed and whispered.

"Sweet dreams sis"......

Edited on Wednesday 28th August 2024

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