chapter five: E

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A/N so basically Oswald conceived his daughter Gertrude after a drunken night with the despicable James Gordon and then Ozzy and Eddie decided to have one together so Ozzy had a second baby around Gertrude's 1st birthday, it was a boy and they named him Edward Elijah Junior (Duh!) And he's, well, a little punky kinda has some issues with drugs and alcohol and he screws up sometimes but heyyyy who doesn't?!

Elijah POV

I walk slowly past mom's room, hearing him crying.

Shit, so it's true.... Dad's dead.... Fuck...Wait, does that mean I get the Riddle Factory? Nah, now I don't want it...I'd rather go to a club and dance to techno dance music all the time. Lucky me, I know just the place.  It's all techno and twerking! I think it's called Bad Guy or something like that....

I'm pulled from my reverie by Gertie yelling at me. "Edward Elijah Junior! Can you hear me?!" "Erm, yes!" "Fuck off, shut up and go to your stupid Disco club."

Techno, you stupid little girl...

"It's techno music, Gertie."
"Well, it sounds like Disco to me. Hey, don't you have school tomorrow?"

"What am I, seven? You know I graduated high school at 8, got my PhD at 10, got a doctorate at 13."

"All just so you could prove to Daddy dearest that you're a Smarty pants like him. Now look at you. Up all night! Asleep all day! Clubbing! Different chick or dude in your bed each night! Drinking! Doing drugs! Non-stop partying!"

"Look, keep your voice down! Mom doesn't need to know. He just lost Dad, okay? He doesn't need my drama on top of it..."

"I'm just scared for you. You're gonna get sick or die. Whether it's an overdose, alcohol poisoning, herpes, Chlamydia, human papillomavirus, gonorrhea, Hep C, syphilis, trichomoniasis, Human immuno virus, and Autoimmune deficiency syndrome. All those are things you could get from your Playboy lifestyle and a lot of them could kill you!"

"Stop it, alright. I don't need a lecture from you, okay, I got them from Dad all the fucking time!"

"What the hell is going on here?!" Mom suddenly appears in the hallway, wiping away a stray tear on his face.

"Why don't you explain this one, EJ?!"

"Don't call me EJ! It's ridiculous!"

"It's your name!"

"Oh,yeah, ya like it when I call ya Gertie?!"


"Well that's how I feel about EJ! EJ is a ghost. He's gone, sis, he ain't ever coming back. I'm outta here!"

With that I storm off, not wanting to deal with Gertrude's badgering or Mom's upcoming lecture.
I just wanna be alone with the only person I actually am having sex with: Micheal Reyes, the son Victor Zsasz conceived in a bathroom stall in a Disco club. My boyfriend.

"Hey, E. How's it going? I heard your Dad died in that apartment fire. I'm sorry."

I don't even answer him, just slam him against the wall and kiss him savagely. This is what I need. Some time inside my lover, that's my therapy.

"Oh, baby.... "

Yes, Little EJ Cobblepot-Nygma is fucking Mr Zsasz's son.


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