Chapter 10: Jeremiah Valeska

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Jeremiah waltzes down the street, flaunting that charismatic smile of his. Suddenly a baseball bat hits him hard in the back of the head.

"What the-- Gertie... You're supposed to be in arkham..."

"I got out. I'm free. Now you're going to pay for what you've done!"

you little
fuck-buck-cock suck!" He cackles.

Gertrude shivers in disgust and pain. She raises the bat, ready to strike.

You should know, are the most perfect thing in my universe. The first time I held you in my arms, it was just so amazing. Holding this tiny perfect little being in my arms, it was the most amazing experience I've ever had.

I always wanted this. To be a father. You, your brother and your mother are all that matters to me in this world.

If anything happens to one of us, whoever is still standing, avenge your loss...

The only thing that matters to me is you and EJ and Edward.

My family is precious to me, and I will protect them with my life....

Gertrude screams and bashes the bat into Jeremiah over and over.

"This is for my Father! My mother! AND THIS ONE'S FOR ME AND EJ!!!"

She plants the bat firmly in Jeremiah's skull, enjoying the loud squish and crackle pop of his brains splattering out.

Revenge is a dish best served with a
baseball bat.

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