chapter six: how can I love when I'm afraid?...

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Oswald sits on the couch, gazing at the picture of him and Edward on their wedding day. Oswald smiles warmly at the picture, seeing Ed's hand on his belly. Oswald remembers that day so clearly. He was just starting to show clearly. Him and Ed eloped but had a ceremony at mansion, just them. Oswald smiles as he remembers the sweet words Ed whispered in his ear.

" I feel so alive with you. I'm so happy you're finally mine. I always wanted a family. I am so glad I have one with matter who the father of this baby is...I love both of you so much..."

Oswald lets a heartfelt sob escape him. He always loved that man. He always will.

And he loved their son.

Elijah James Cobblepot-Nygma was their baby. Their little miracle. Oswald quickly recalls the day EJ was born....


"Here he is..." The doctor says, smiling warmly. Oswald gasps as the little blue bundle is placed in his arms. Oswald lets the happy tears escape, breathing shakily as he gazes at his newborn son.

"He's so tiny..."

"I know. He has my eyes."

"I'm sure he has your everything, Edward..."

Ed smiles at his Oswald, stroking his son's head gently.


Oswald sobs softly as he gazes at the pictures.

The memories of how happy his life was.

He softly hums the song him and Ed used to sing. The lullaby they sang to their children.

The fire has gone out, wet snow from above, but nothing will warm me more than my, my mother's love. I light another candle, dry the tears from my face, but nothing will warm me more than my mother's embrace. The path ahead is dark, so dark I cannot see, but I will not fear, for my mother looks over me.

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