chapter 11: wake up, sweetie

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I stir, waking in a familiar bed.

I'm home? The mansion? What?

"Morning, sweetie." Mom's sweet voice says warmly. I open my eyes quickly and gasp when I see him.


"Yes. I'm right here...did you have another nightmare, honey?"

"Uh, yeah."

"You feel warm. Stay here, I'll get you some tea."

"Is dad home?"

"Yes, Edward's here."

I sigh a quiet happy sigh.

It was a nightmare...

That's all it was...

A nightmare...

"Hey, mom, have you seen my jacket?" I hear EJ yell.

"It's in your closet!"


EJ pops his head in my room, smiling big.

"Hot date?" I ask teasingly.

"How'd you know?!"

"I could smell Reyes all over you..."

"Yeah, Mike tends to stick..."

I sigh deeply, never wanting to go through that nightmare ever again.

I have my family...that's all that matters...

Told you I'd fix it!!!

Thanks for reading!


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