How other Gladers describe you

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Thomas- Question asker
Other Gladers describe you as "Question Asker" because your so curious on so many things, you just need to know what you want to know

Newt- Friendly Touch
The Gladers describe you as "Friendly Touch" since your so friendly on so many levels especially if it comes with risk

Minho- Adrenaline
Gladers describe you as "Adrenaline" because your always pumped up to help out in the Glade here and there

Alby- Quietness
Other Gladers describe you as "Quietness" since you don't talk as much like Alby, you use other ways to communicate

Gally- One Mind
Gladers describe you as "One Mind" because you have a mind of your own that makes you different, some may call it imagination but Gladers call it "One Mind"

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