A War Undenied

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Summary: In the middle of a War, somehow Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger found each other and became friends.  Now, despite being on opposite sides of it, the two are determined to meet regularly and continue what they've ironically called a forbidden love.  A surprise visit by King Lucius, however, is not something Hermione had accounted for.

She shouldn't be here. There was ice everywhere and while she'd made sure to grab two cloaks this time instead of one, she was still shivering. It was just like him to make her wait in such a cold place, but at least this time she knew why he was late. Standing in a dark, icy cave and worrying where he was at had not been particularly enjoyable. Even now, knowing as she did, she hated waiting.

As she adjusted her cloak tighter around herself, she heard very quiet footsteps heading her way. She glanced up to where she knew the only entry and exit was and could barely make out a tall dark figure. From the ground where she'd set it, her lantern lit up barely any of the cave. However, it provided enough light for Hermione to notice something about him was off. Perhaps he'd just injured his leg and was walking differently, but Hermione's hand drifted towards the dagger on her hip regardless. In these days, it was better safe than sorry.

He always wore his cloak over his head and tonight was no different. Rather than look up at her as he approached, however, he kept his head down and hidden from her. The closer he walked, the tenser Hermione became. As he stopped an arm's length away from her, Hermione tightened her hold on her dagger and waited for him to pull off his hood. When he didn't move, Hermione held her breath.

"Draco?" she whispered quietly. Her voice seemed to echo around the cave and when the man in front of her pulled off his hood, her gasp echoed just as loud. She took a quick step back followed by another and then one more just to be safe.

"You don't belong here," King Lucius hissed. His long silver hair would have given him away in an instant if he hadn't covered it with his cloak. He stood tall and regal in front of her and Hermione was suddenly very aware of the fact that he was standing between her and the only exit.

"I can leave," she said so quietly she wasn't entirely sure she'd actually spoken. Given the sneer King Lucius gave her, she knew she had.

"If you leave this cave alive, it will be with me," he told her. He took a step towards her and Hermione gripped her dagger tighter under her two cloaks. "You're either incredibly brave or utterly stupid to come here," he said, taking two large steps towards her. She hurried back, pulling her dagger from its sheath but not taking it out.

"Why are you here?" Hermione asked, bracing herself as he took another step in her direction. It was a fair question considering they were in the middle of a war and a King should not be wandering around at night. She supposed it was safer when the wandering was being done in his own territory, but the concept of it remained: she was his enemy and he was the King, alone in a dark cave.

He moved in the time it took her to blink. One moment, he was standing in front of her with a sneer, and the next, he was standing behind her with her arms pinned down tightly. Hermione fumed, listening to her dagger hit the ground as one of King Lucius's arms pinned both of hers to her chest and the other wrapped around her shoulders. He was much taller than her and when he leaned back just enough to throw off her balance, his arm slipped from her shoulders to her neck. He clearly wasn't trying to strangle her, but the steady pressure against her throat was enough to make her worry the thought wasn't far from his mind.

"What are you doing here?" King Lucius asked calmly.

Hermione felt her boot kick her dagger further away from her and she tried to balance better on her toes than she currently was.

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