A Hogwarts Surprise

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Summary: Just because the Weasleys didn't approve of Hermione and Draco's relationship doesn't mean they broke it off. Really, their opinion did little to change the relationship other than making them hide it better. At least, until Ron royally screws things up at a Hogwarts reunion and Draco gets just a little bit jealous.

Hermione wasn't too sure this was a good idea. Hiding their relationship from the Weasleys during holidays was one thing, but attempting to keep it secret at a Hogwarts reunion was another. Everyone they had ever attended Hogwarts with would be there and Hermione wasn't sure she could hide the fact she'd just gotten married.

"It's bound to come out at some point, Malfoy," Draco said. Hermione rolled her eyes at his cheeky grin, but didn't have the heart to scold him for calling her by her new last name. As a fairly new development, both of them had taken a liking to the sound of it.

"Okay, that still sounds weird," Blaise said, walking by them and into the kitchen. Draco scowled at him and Hermione laughed softly.

"Pay him no mind," Hermione said, drawing Draco's attention back to her. "He's just bitter and hungover."

Blaise had crashed their flat late last night after Pansy had kicked him out of his. While he'd interrupted what was about to be a very fun, yet tiring night, they'd let him sleep on the couch without much complaint. Well, Hermione had. Draco had complained for a good half hour before she finally silenced their bedroom with a strong enough spell to last them several days and let him continue what he'd started before.

"He deserves it," Draco grumbled, glaring past her after his best friend. At Hermione's sigh, he seemed to remember what they'd been talking about and immediately looked back down at her. "Look, it's just a day. If you're really not ready for everyone to know, I'm sure we can keep it quiet for a day."

"I'm sorry," Hermione said, letting go of one of his hands to run a hand through her hair. "I know how badly you want to tell everyone, but the Weasleys—they've already tried to ruin our relationship." Draco scoffed and Hermione rolled her eyes but continued. "I just want to live in this bubble a little longer, okay? Not forever, just a little bit."

Draco nodded and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. While their relationship itself wasn't new, their marriage was. Only the Potters, Blaise, and Pansy had been present for the ceremony a week prior and the idea of being married was still new and exciting. The last thing Hermione wanted was for the Weasleys or the press to burst their bubble and cause problems for them this early on in their marriage.

"It's up to you, love," Draco said. Hermione smiled up at him and pressed her lips to his at precisely the same moment Blaise walked back out of the kitchen.

"Oh goddammit!" Blaise yelled, scaring them enough to pull apart. Blaise covered his eyes and held out his arm, blindly feeling his way back to the living room as he grumbled.

* * * * *

Hogwarts was only accessible via the train or select Floo networks. This particular Sunday morning, every Floo in the Ministry was opened to allow for travel to Hogwarts. Such an act should mean the lines were shorter, but there was still a several minute wait before Hermione was able to toss in a handful of Floo powder and call out for Hogwarts.

As she stepped out of the fireplace and into the Great Hall, Hermione had to admire the decorations. It was clear they had made a point not to segregate the houses as no table had a particular house colour or flag over it.

Behind her, the Floo continued to bring people in, but Hermione was too busy looking around for someone she recognised to care that someone bumped into her. When she spotted Luna's long hair, she hurried off in her direction to say a warm hello.

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