Usurping the Potters

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Summary:  Hermione didn't tell anyone she was bringing him.  Well, she had told Ginny and Harry, and then the rest of the Weasleys found out, but no one else was expecting her to bring Draco Malfoy to Ginny and Harry's wedding.  No one else beingmainlythe newspapers.

Despite it not being her wedding, Hermione was nervous the night before.  She fidgeted and picked at her fingers until Draco had to grab her hands, telling her he wouldn't go if it was stressing her out so much.  There wasn't much thinking involved before she utterly refused to let him get away with ditching the wedding and he almost laughed at her immediate response.  A second later, though, his jaw was tense and it was Hermione's turn to tell him to relax.  It went on all evening and by the time they fell asleep, they were both tense and exhausted.

Hermione woke up to Ginny pulling her from her sleep, rambling about all that needed to happen while Hermione fought desperately to stay tucked away in Draco's arms.  With sleep still in his eyes and a frown on his face, Draco kissed her forehead and kicked her off the bed to leave with Ginny.  She decided not to speak to him again until after the wedding.

"I don't even know why you're as worried as you are,"  Ginny said, pushing Hermione into a chair in front of a mirror.  Hermione blinked as Ginny began her make-up at eight o'clock in the morning.  "You're not the one getting married.  You're supposed to be calming me down, not the other way around."

"But Rita—"

"Yeah, yeah,"  Ginny grumbled, "With any luck, the witch will remember it's my wedding she's reporting on; not yours and Malfoys."

She continued to talk Hermione's ear off while she finished her make-up before shoving Hermione out of the chair so she could do her own.  The rest of the bridesmaids would come around noon, but Ginny and Hermione would need to oversee the caterers' arrival and make sure the boys were behaving while the other girls did their make-up.  Ginny had made sure Hermione knew it was not optional for her make-up to wait; it needed to be done first thing in the morning.

As soon as Ginny had finished her make-up, they apparated to Hogwarts where Molly Weasley was making sure all the decorations were properly placed.  It hadn't taken much convincing for McGonagall to allow Ginny and Harry to use Hogwarts for the day.  It was summer so the students were gone, but seeing as the castle had played a significant part in their relationship, no one had been surprised.  Besides, it was easier to fit all the guests and reporters than the Burrow's backyard would be.

"Mum, is Luna—"

"In the Great Hall,"  Mrs. Weasley smiled.  Ginny nodded and she and Hermione separated to make sure everything was taken care of efficiently.

By the time Hermione was retreating to Gryffindor Tower to get dressed and have her hair done, she was jittery with nerves.  Harry had promised Draco could remain with him until the beginning of the ceremony so he wouldn't feel awkward, but Hermione was worried about the duration of the ceremony.  The reporters would spot him as soon as he stepped out of the castle and while she knew he was skilled at avoiding questions and hiding in crowds, she also knew he'd be uncomfortable.

"Ginny, I'm going to go check on the boys,"  Hermione said.

Ginny glanced at her through the mirror and gave her a thumbs up.  Fleur still snapped at her for moving and Ginny made sure to sit as still as a statue.

Hermione gathered her dress in one hand so as to navigate the stairs easier and hurried from the Tower.  The boys were getting ready in Ravenclaw Tower as Harry had lost a game of Exploding Snap against Ginny, but Hermione didn't mind the walk.  If anything, it allowed her to try and calm down so she wasn't attacked the minute she stepped in the door.

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