Nosy Neighbour

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Summary: Hermione's new neighbour doubles as a classmate from Hogwarts. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem like he wants to give Hermione the privacy she keeps asking for kindly which eventually leads to a not so kind confrontation once Draco hears about it.

Hermione Granger was nothing if not polite to others. She took pride in treating everyone around her with kindness despite some people's desire to make it difficult. After her break up with Ron, she'd been kind even though he'd been a sourpuss. Whenever she had to face the bigoted Wizenmagot or hold a press conference for the Ministry, she was kind. She'd even been kind to Draco Malfoy when no one else would and happened to gain a very good friend from it.

Never before had being kind backfired so horribly as it did with Cormac McLaggen.

"Hey, Hermione," he grinned, standing in her doorway for the fifth time that week. Hermione smiled back even though it was only Tuesday and she was already exhausted. "How was work?"

"Oh, it was fine," Hermione said. Cormac attempted to step into her flat but Hermione stayed put, keeping a firm hold on both the door and the door frame. "I'm really not in the mood for visitors right now though. Perhaps later?"

"Perfectly understandable," Cormac said, pushing past her. Hermione's wrist twisted painfully as he shoved her into the door, but she said nothing as he barged his way into her house. It was unfortunately very common. "Say, I just picked up this delicious pulled pork recipe. I'll make you dinner and you can have a shower and relax, yeah?"

"Thank you, Cormac," Hermione said, rubbing her wrist as she walked into her flat after him. "However, I'd really rather be alone. Maybe later you could stop by?"

Cormac ignored her dismissal and began searching through her kitchen for something to cook with. Hermione sighed as he let her cupboard doors slam shut, closing her eyes in an attempt to calm herself down. Work had been stressful and now Cormac had once more upset her evening plans.

"Relax, Hermione," he said, turning around and walking over to her. Hermione tried not to tense as he pushed her into a chair at the table and said, "I know what I'm doing. Just let me cook for you, it's what friends do."

Yes, if friends infiltrated her house against her will and continued to do so every night.

At the sound of another cupboard slamming shut and the dishes inside rattling, Hermione jumped and inhaled sharply. Despite it being many years since the War, she still despised loud sounds and they often set her off.

"Cormac!" she yelled. She opened her eyes when the room went silent and saw Cormac looking at her curiously. She sighed and tried to smile politely at him when she said, "Please leave. I've had a long day and I'm really not in the mood for company. Come back later."

Cormac stared at her for several seconds before nodding.

"Alright, Hermione," he agreed. He walked across the kitchen and pressed a wet kiss to her forehead while Hermione tried not to grimace. "Let me know if you need anything, alright? I'm right next door."

Hermione was unfortunately very aware of that fact and even though she was drained and tired of dealing with Cormac every night, she saw him out and waved at him kindly before shutting the door and using every locking spell she could think of.

* * * * *

"You really should file an official complaint," Draco suggested over lunch. He bit into his sandwich and gave her a knowing look.

Ever since he'd joined the Ministry as an auror, the two of them had become quite close. Of course, Hermione's initial reasons for befriending him or at least being friendly were based on everyone else's despicable behavior. Now, the others tolerated him and some of them even got along. That didn't mean Hermione and Draco had become any less friendly.

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