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I know you guys probably hate me right now but I've been busy and I've had disgusting writers block. I've also decided to continue the book instead of finishing on this chapter so yes stay tuned.  Don't forget to vote and comment😘

Amirah's POV
3 months. No call. No letter. JB had cut all contact with me. After his trial, for weeks and weeks I sat by my phone waiting for his call. I knew he had a phone in there. Naz had told me he called R1 in front of her. I felt like everyone was keeping something from me. Anytime I would ask about him, the boys would avoid the subject. It was almost like everyone wanted me to forget about him.

How was I meant to forget him though? Anytime I looked at my wrist, I was greeted with his name. I don't regret getting the tattoo because I knew with me and him, it was meant to be. Even if right now he didn't want to speak to me. I'll be waiting for him when he comes out.  I won't lie and say him ignoring me isn't completely destroying me because it is. This was what I signed up for though so I'm going to have to suck it up. I was warned. He warned me and I chose to stay. So I don't understand why he's pushing me away now when I showed him I was always going to be there.

I know Jeremiah and I know he thinks he's helping me but he's not. The pain is unbearable not being able to see him, talk to him or even hear his voice. Anytime letters come in the post, I pray there's one going to be one addressed to me from him and everytime I am disappointed. 

I know I'm going to have to move on eventually. I just don't want to and I don't think I can.

Unknown's POV

I've been watching the whole group. I think I'm gonna play the long game with all of them. Apart from one. LK was sure to get done. Just for bro. I've been watching him closely the most. I basically know his schedule, just waiting to strike. His days are numbered though. In a couple days, guns will fire. With the rest, I had a plan. JB isn't going to come out to anyone he loves. Not one person.


Over these months it's been hard without bro and the rest of the mandem not speaking to me. I couldn't help but feel something was about to go down. I kept fighting the feeling though because I'm sure we managed to get down everyone who was on us. Anytime I go out, I feel eyes on me like someone's proper watching man. I just feel like the war isn't done but I don't know if it's just paranoia. Maybe it's the Feds tryna see if they can get me to go down too since I escaped it last time.

I've been working on trying to get out the hood. JB going down showed me this isn't how I want to live. I was trying to get out and take Armani somewhere far away from here. This fast life was not worth it at all. Why am I risking my life and the people I love for stupid beef? Nah man, bro had the right idea when he was tryna get out. I know as soon as he gets out, he's gonna follow suit. This is our road to legality now. 

Me and Armani aren't even on the best of terms, she really wasn't tryna fuck with me like that right now. Ever since it came out about Alina being the snitch, she won't answer my calls and she ignores my texts. I don't really wanna rush her because she has every right to feel how she feels. It is all my fault. Maybe she'll be better off without me anyway.

Months pass and as expected the gang were far from united. Amirah had been focusing on herself, she wouldn't speak to the boys as she was not trying to be reminded of JB. She planned to get her tattoo covered. Although it was hard for her to give up on him, she had realised she can't keep trying with someone that didn't want to try with her. Armani had joined her sister in focusing on herself, she hadn't heard from LK in a while. She had just accepted that they were not going to get back on good terms, too much had happened.

Stratford, East London

The girls had decided on a trip to Westfield for girl bonding time. They had been shopping for a long while and were finally in the last shop JD sports.

Waiting in the line, a tired and exhausted Amirah spotted a good looking boy standing in front of her. She hadn't noticed other men lately because she had been stuck on JB but now she was choosing to move on, she felt like she could now admire the beauty of other men. She didn't realise she was staring until she heard "you alright yeah" from the mouth of the man she was looking at. She nodded and blushed in embarrassment. "His voice even matches his face" , she thought to herself.

"I'm Khalil by the way, what's your name beautiful?", the handsome guy asked putting his hand out to shake hers. Impressed at his manners, she smiled. "Amirah", she replied. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl", he chuckled. Amirah wasn't used to men being so polite in their approach, she couldn't help but think back to JB. She shook her thoughts off and continued to engage in the conversation she was having. "Would it be okay for me to get your number Amirah?"  She paused and thought for a second. "I'm single so I can do what I want", she thought to herself. She agreed and gave Khalil her number. She watched him walk out the shop with a smile. "New beginnings Mirah", she whispered to herself as she approached the till to pay.

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